| Sumário Cad. Pagu v.1 n.se Campinas 2008 Sexuality, Culture and Politics: the Journey of Male Homosexuality in Brazilian Anthropology Carrara, Sérgio; Simões, Júlio Assis
| | Freud's nanny and other nannies Corrêa, Mariza
| | "Domestic Violence" and Different Forms of Conciliation Debert, Guita Grin; Oliveira, Marcella Beraldo de
| | Between "Mafias" and "Help": building of knowledge on human trafficking Piscitelli, Adriana
| | L'Italia dei Divieti: in between the dream of being european and the "babado" of prostituition Teixeira, Flávia do Bonsucesso
| | Stolen beauty: gender, aesthetics and embodiment in Brazilian drama Pontes, Heloisa
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