The agency of Gell in the anthropology of art Alves, Caleb Faria
Sports: an anthropological perspective Damo, Arlei Sander; Oliven, Ruben George; Guedes, Simoni Lahud
The bible as constitution or the constitution as bible? Nation-state building projects in east timor Silva, Kelly Cristiane da
We, the others: construction of the exotic and consumption of brazilian fashion in France Leitão, Débora Krischke
Major Reis and the visual constitution of Brazil as a nation Menezes, Paulo
'The confucian ethic and the spirit of capitalism': narratives on morals, harmony, and savings in the condemnation of conspicuous consumption among chinese immigrants overseas Pinheiro-Machado, Rosana
Rodar: the circulation of brazilian football players abroad Rial, Carmen
An attuned discourse: the catholic episcopate on 'politics' and the 'social' Seidl, Ernesto
The paradox of IDs: an account of an ethnographic experience in the US Peirano, Mariza
"Women fly with their husbands": Palestinian diaspora and gender relations Jardim, Denise Fagundes
Transits: Brazilian women migration in the context of the transnationalization of the sex and marriage markets Piscitelli, Adriana