Social economy and collective work: theories and realities Leite, Marcia de Paula
Structural interaction between gender and race inequality in Brazil Santos, José Alcides Figueiredo
Marxism and elitism: two opposite social analysis models? Codato, Adriano; Perissinotto, Renato M.
The armed forces in Brazilian's constitutions: as forças armadas nas constituições nacionais Mathias, Suzeley; Guzzi, Andre
Nature and society: conflicts concerning landscape cultivation at Itambacuri Amoroso, Marta
Do social networks matter for the access to goods and services obtained outside markets? Marques, Eduardo
Brazilian cemeteries, tomb styles, and their associated social processes Motta, Antonio
Social theory and Brazilian social thought: notes for a research agenda Maia, Marcelo
Body and Illness across diferent áreas of knowledge Sarti, Cynthia