ISSN 0121-5051 printed version



Scope and policy

General points:

The journal’s publisher policy contemplates publishing specific articles on administrative and social topics:

Research articles: this type of article presents detailed original results from research projects. Its structure has four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Reflection articles: this type of article presents the results of research from an author’s original source-based analytical, interpretative or critical perspective on a specific topic.

Review articles: this type of article must be the result of research analysing, systematising and integrating published or unpublished research results in a field of science and technology giving an account of advances and trends in R&D. It must give a careful bibliographic review having at least 50 references.



A maximum of 1,500 to 2,000 characters is preferred. The length may be proportionate to the article. That is, shorter articles warrant shorter abstracts, whereas an abstract for a longer article may be at the maximum.


a. Abstracts should be clear and easy to read with enough detail to help the reader understand what the article is about.

b. Sentences should flow logically.

c. The abstract should be written with correct English-language grammar and spelling.


Key elements for an abstract vary according to the type of article. Note: the order in which key elements are placed may vary from article to article for any type.

Key Elements for Experimental/Research Articles

a. Study purpose

b. Brief description of the subjects

c. Methodology

d. Study location (if important or unusual)

e. Results, conclusions or implications.

Key Elements for Discussion Articles

a. Major theme

b. Logical development of the theme

c. Author’s point of view

d. Implications, inferences, or conclusions.

Key Elements for Literature/Research Reviews

a. Scope of the review

b. Publication time span

c. Publication origin

d. Types of documents reviewed

e. Author’s opinion of the reviewed literature, particularly unique
or important research findings

f. Conclusions about the research trends.

Abstracts should present key elements precisely and concisely, with no extraneous information. Abstracts should not contain data tables, figures, or references. Most of all, they must accurately reflect the content of the article.


Form and preparation of manuscripts


INNOVAR’s publisher committee will consider the following aspects for accepting or rejecting eligible articles and reviews for publication in the first instance. Our contributors are thus asked to take the following recommendations into account:


1. Only unedited work (except for translations) duly studied and approved by the committee will be considered for publication.

2. Author status: authors must be professionals, teachers and researchers having at least postgraduate training and be experts on the topic.

3. The content of an article is an author’s responsibility, publisher policy being open and democratic.

4. An article’s title must be concise and correspond to its content whilst specifically indicating the topic or material being studied.

5. Any explanation concerning the work (nature, acknowledgements, collaborators, etc.) must be indicated by an asterisk in the title, linked to a footnote.

6. Each article must give the Journal of Economic Literature classification (JEL classification) to which it corresponds, according to the codes established for international searches of bibliographic production (the codes must be specific, no more than 3 being given). Such classification can be consulted at:

7. Articles must not be more than 35 A4-sized pages written with 1.5 line-spacing. Bibliographic debates must not be more than 12 A4-sized pages and reviews are limited to 6 A4-sized pages.

8. The original article must be sent with its respective electronic file to the journal’s address or sent to our e-mail ( The files must contain the text in Word, an analytical summary (not more than 120 words) and the article’s key words (a minimum of four). Figures, Tables, images and any other elements must be attached in the original programmes with which they were created. Reviews must be sent as a .JPEG file, with a scanned image extension .JPEG of the front cover of the book which is being reviewed.

9. The respective format asking for information about the author and the text (name, nationality, profession, specialisation, telephones, e-mail, area and the nature of the article) must be filled out when sending the material.

10. Data about the author must be indicated by a double asterisk linked to a footnote, giving the author’s name, profession or area of expertise, level of studies, current employment, place of work and (obligatorily) his/her e-mail.

11. Footnotes must only be used for clarifying or amplifying information. They must not be used for bibliographic references as these must be included in the body of the text.

12. Bibliographical references must follow the parenthetic system (surname, year, page), as follows: (Nieto, 1992, p.4).

13. Bibliographical references must appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order and in the following format (including comas, brackets, full-stops, capital letters and italics):


Surname, initial of Christian name. (year). Title. City: publisher.

Mangas, A. and Liñán, D. (2003). European Union Institutions and Law (2nd ed.). Madrid: McGraw-Hill Interamericana. (Original in Spanish, 1996).

Tapscott, D. (1996). The digital economy. Bogotá: McGraw- Hill Interamericana.

Chapter in a book:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (year). Title of article. In Title of Book (pages corresponding to the article). City: publisher.

Hasty, R. and Reardon, J. (1998). An overall view of retail sales. In Retail sales management (pp. 4-45). Bogotá: McGraw-Hill Interamericana.

Esquirol, J. (2003). Where is Latin-America going to? In Villegas, M. and Rodríguez, C. (eds.). Law and society in Latin-America (pp. 93-102). Bogotá: ILSA-Universidad Nacional de Colombia. (Original in Spanish, 1997).

Articles from professional journals:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (year). Title of article. Name of the journal, volume (issue number), relevant page numbers..

Williamson, O. (2002). The theory of the firm as governance structure: From choice to contract. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 16(3), 171-195.

Prada, L. (2003). Globalisation and international finance.Innovar, 21, 31-36.

Newspaper articles:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (year, day, month). Title of the article. Name of the newspaper, p.

Zuluaga, M. (2003, 26 de febrero). Temor por salida de bananera. El Tiempo, p. 1-6.

Las “brujas” criticonas de la alfombra roja (2003, 26 de febrero). El Tiempo, pp. 1/2-6

Unpublished undergraduate theses:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (year). Title. Unpublished thesis, institution, faculty, city.

Bustos, B. (1990). Mujeres, hogar e industria. Tesis de maestría no publicada, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Departamento de Sociología, Bogotá.

Contributions presented at an event but not published so far:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (year, month, days). Title. Event, city, country.

Hernández, G. (2001, septiembre 6-7). La gerencia de talento humano en las empresas medianas y grandes del occidente colombiano. Ponencia presentada al Encuentro de la Red de Investigadores de Estudios Interdisciplinarios sobre Organización y la Gestión, Ibagué, Colombia.

Unpublished work (mimeograph):

Surname, initial of the Christian name. (year). Title. Unpublished work, entity, city.

Arango, L. G. (2001). Democratización de las relaciones de género y nuevas formas de dominación de clase en América Latina: reflexiones a partir del caso colombiano. Mimeo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá.

Electronic documents:

Surname, initial of Christian name. (date of publication or page revision, if available). Title of the document or article. In Name of the complete work. Available at: specify the site’s route.

Etzioni, A. (2002, 5 de agosto). Cuando se trata de ética, las escuelas de negocios reprueban. The Washington Post. Disponible en:

14. If there is more than one reference to the same author in the bibliography, do not use the system of long dashes for indicating different entries. Simply put the author’s surname and first initial in each case:

Chiavenato, I. (2002). Administración de los nuevos tiempos. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.

Chiavenato, I. (2002). Gestión del talento humano: el nuevo papel de los recursos humanos en las organizaciones. Bogotá: McGraw-Hill.

Chiavenato, I. (2000). Introducción a la teoría general de la administración. México: McGraw-Hill.

15. Articles and reviews will be received throughout the year.

16. The journal’s office will acknowledge receipt of an article within the next five working days.

17. The work will then begin to be evaluated by sending a copy of the material to three experts on the topic so that independent concepts can be given regarding its possible publication. The following criteria will be considered: academic quality or level, originality, contribution towards knowledge and teaching, clarity in terms of presentation, clearly written and phrased, clear literature citations, interest and topicality.

18. Once the evaluations (which could be full acceptance, acceptance with modifications or rejection) have been made and collected, the results are sent to an author so that the corresponding adjustments and/or modifications can be made. When an author has incorporated the modifications requested by the evaluators, then his/her article will be sent to a copy editor.

19. An author cedes his/her publication rights to the Universidad Nacional de Colombia’s Economics Faculty’s Escuela de Administración de Empresas y Contaduría Pública.

20. Such article may not appear in any mass media without the Escuela de Administración de Empresas y Contaduría Pública’s express authorisation.

Please note: sending an article places INNOVAR’s publishing committee under no obligation to publish it.


Sending of manuscripts

1. Articles and reviews will be received throughout the year

2. The original article must be sent with its respective electronic file to the journal’s address (Carrera 30 Nº 45-03, edificio 310, oficina 116, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia. Apartado Aéreo 055051, o al fax: (571) 3165000 Ext. 12313) or sent to our e-mail ( The files must contain the text in Word, an analytical summary (not more than 120 words) and the article’s key words (a minimum of four). Figures, Tables, images and any other elements must be attached in the original programmes with which they were created

3. All authors and contributors must follow the instructions pointed out in the section “Guidelines for contributing authors” before submitting any articles or briefings.

Text that will be able to contain referring information to the sending of the original.


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© 2007 Escuela de Administración de Empresas y
Contaduría Pública, Facultad de Ciencias
Económicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.
Building 310, office 116. , Carrera 30 No. 45-03,
Bogotá D. C., Colombia.
Telefax: (+571) 3l65000 extensión 12313
Apartado aéreo 055051