ISSN 0011-5258 printed version
ISSN 1678-4588 online version



Scope and policy

Dados publishes original articles in the field of social sciences. Submissions should be innovative and of social interest. Contributions may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. However, the articles will be published only in Portuguese and Spanish, with extended abstracts in French and English.

All papers submitted to Dados are acknowledged quickly and reviewed as rapidly as possible. They are initially scrutinised by the editor and the advisory board who decides whether they meet the scientific and editorial standards of the journal, and fit within the aims and scope of the journal. Those papers that pass this initial scrutiny are sent out to referees who are carefully selected on the basis of their expertise in the themes of the paper. All papers undergo double blind refereeing. Normally, at least two referees are used. Any needed modifications in the manuscripts’ structure or contents will be made in accordance with the authors. No additions or changes will be allowed after material has been printed.

DADOS adopts the principles containeds at Code of Ethics of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (, of the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico ( and of the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo(


Manuscript format

Manuscripts should be submitted by e-mail ( An abstract of 150 words should accompany the manuscript and should briefly state the aims and scope of the paper, methods and conclusions, as well as the information about the authors (academic degree, position, fields of interest, recent publications, etc.)

Manuscripts should have between 9.000 and 11.000 words.

Tables and figures should be presented on separate sheets, numbered consecutively and titled. They should indicate the unities chosen as standards to express worths and their sources. If possible, tables and figures will be presented in a form to allow direct and immediate reproduction.

Footnotes should be of essential character, and be restricted to additional comments to the text. References, when needed, should be cited in the text and include authors’ surname, year of publication and page numbers, if necessary, in parentheses (Nicolau, 2012:92). Bibliographical references should be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, and follow the next style forms:


Example: NICOLAU, Jairo. (2012), Eleições no Brasil: Do Império aos Dias Atuais. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar.

Book chapters

Example: BRINGEL, Breno e DOMINGUES, José Maurício (2012), Teoria Crítica e Movimentos Sociais: Intersecções, Impasses e Alternativas", in B. Bringel e M.G. Gohn (orgs.), Movimentos Sociais na Era Global. Petrópolis, Vozes, pp. 57-75.


Example: OLIVEIRA, Ivan Tiago M. e MILANI, Carlos R. S. (2012), "Atores Não Estatais e Trade Policy-Making no Brasil: Análise dos Interesses e das Estratégias da CEB e da REBRIP". DADOS, vol. 55, no 2, pp. 367-401.

Online Article

Example: ARCHER, Margaret. "Rotina, Reflexividade e Realismo". DADOS [online]. 2011, vol. 54, no 1 [dia-mês-ano da consulta], pp. 157-206. Available at ISSN 0011-5258 [páginas e ISSN facultativos].

Once a paper is published, each author will receive two printed copies of the journal.


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