On a new concept of community: social networks, personal communities and collective intelligence Costa, Rogério da
Evaluation of the knowledge in hygiene practices: a qualitative approach Tavolaro, Paula; Oliveira, Carlos Augusto Fernandes; Lefèvre, Fernando
Capital dynamics and local health systems: searching for a comprehensive analysis of the health sector Andreazzi, Maria de Fátima Siliansky de; Andreazzi, Marco Antonio Ratzsch de; Carvalho, Diana Maul de
Social medicalization (II): biomedical limits and proposals for primary care clinic Tesser, Charles Dalcanale
The understanding of solid wastes from healthcare services in academic education: a contribution to environmental education Corrêa, L.B.; Lunardi, V.L.; De Conto, S.M.; Galiazzi, M.C.
Social support, health and oral health promotion in the elderly population in Brazil Araújo, Silvânia Suely Caribé de; Freire, Danielle Bianca de Lima; Padilha, Dalva Maria Pereira; Baldisserotto, Julio
Self-perception of teeth loss of the aged Unfer, Beatriz; Braun, Kátia; Silva, Caroline Pafiadache da; Pereira Filho, Léo Dias
Promoting and recovering health: meanings produced in community groups within the family health program context Camargo-Borges, Celiane; Japur, Marisa
Public regulation of the health care system in Brazil: a review Santos, Fausto Pereira dos; Merhy, Emerson Elias
The path of accident analysis: the traditional paradigm and extending the origins of the expansion of analysis Almeida, Ildeberto Muniz de
Images and meanings in the discourse of the press media on a benzene occupational intoxication epidemic Rangel-S, Maria Ligia
Competence of health professionals for interdisciplinary work Saupe, Rosita; Cutolo, Luiz Roberto Agea; Wendhausen, Águeda Lenita Pereira; Benito, Gladys Amélia Vélez
The professional master's degree as a preferable model for training in family health Saupe, Rosita; Wendhausen, Águeda Lenita Pereira