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Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura
versão impressa ISSN 1413-0580


Estud.soc.agric. v.4 Rio de Janeiro  2008

Agrarian Reform in Brazil: a series of missed appointments between social movements and state policies
Sabourin, Eric

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Space, social theory and Brazilian social thought
Maia, João Marcelo E.

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Public research agenda in face of possibilities for agricultural development
Fuck, Marcos Paulo; Bonacelli, Maria Beatriz Machado

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The Brazilian rural world: access to goods and services and coutryside-city integration
Wanderley, Maria de Nazareth Baudel

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GM soy in Brazil: limits to the technological dissemination process
Schioschet, Tatiane; Paula, Nilson de

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Multifunctionality of agriculture and territorial development: implications and challenges in combining the approaches
Maluf, Renato S.; Bonnal, Philippe; Cazella, Ademir A.

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Brazilian agribusiness's insertion in global markets
Paula, Nilson de; Bastos, Lívia Tiemi

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Territorial dynamics and the complexities of the agrarian frontier areas in eastern Amazon
Assis, William Santos de; Oliveira, Myriam; Halmenschlager, Fábio

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Agroindustrialization as a strategy of social reproduction of the family farm
Pelegrini, Gelson; Gazolla, Marcio

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Politics and agrarianism in Brazil
Santos, Raimundo

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"What kind of Agrarian Reform, after all?": Revisiting an unfinished debate in Brazil
Valente, Ana Lucia

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