Changes in space and time and gender relations under the impact of modernization Woortmann, Ellen F.
From devil's concubines to devout churchgoers: women and conduct in transformation (Jesuit-Guarani reductions in the 17th Century) Fleck, Eliane Cristina Deckmann
The expansion of "the feminine" within the Brazilian public sphere: telenovelas of the 1970s and 1980s Hamburger, Esther Império
Motherhood, body care and "civilization" in the Pastoral da Criança Anjos, Gabriele dos
"Letters to a lady": questions of gender and the dissemination of Darwinism in Brazil Vergara, Moema de Rezende
Refuting feminism: Brazilian lettered culture's complacency/complicity Schmidt, Rita Terezinha
The lives of peasant and worker women and stories of documents in the central backwoods of Pernambuco Cordeiro, Rosineide de L. Meira