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Cadernos Pagu

versão impressa ISSN 0104-8333


PONTES, Heloisa. Stolen beauty: gender, aesthetics and embodiment in Brazilian drama.Traduzido porThaddeus Gregory Blanchette. Cad. Pagu [online]. 2008, vol.1Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-8333.

Drawing from a broader research on gender inflections in the Brazilian intellectual field and in Brazilian drama, between 1940 and 1968, the article discusses the relations between aesthetics and gender, and their implications on the careers of actresses Cacilda Becker, Maria Della Costa, Tônia Carrero and Cleyde Yáconis. According to testimony of those who saw her perform on stage, Cacilda was never hampered by her less favorable physical attributes. The hypothesis is that this is due to the cunning tricks of the conventions of dramatic arts that allow the dodging of social, gender and physical constraints. Widely evoked by the media to portrait, underline or diminish women under its focus, beauty rarely features as a relevant dimension in the analysis of female trajectories. Hence the interest in discussing the subject through its refraction on the process of social construction of artistic careers.

Palavras-chave : Gender; Embodiment and Aesthetics; Actresses; Brazilian Drama; Prostitution and Representation.

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