Meu SciELO
Cadernos Pagu
versão impressa ISSN 0104-8333
TEIXEIRA, Flávia do Bonsucesso. L'Italia dei Divieti: in between the dream of being european and the "babado" of prostituition.Traduzido porThaddeus Gregory Blanchette. Cad. Pagu [online]. 2008, vol.1Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-8333.
The dream of traveling between Brazil and Europe is easy to find in the referential bibliography about transvestites. The changes related to the trafficking in persons, in the Brazilian penal code in 2005, show how different interpretations of the terminology "facilitate" and "facilitation" made a strong impact on transvestites' lives, criminalizing some practices of this group that had in fact been part of their sociability. I argue that the unrecognized position of prostitution as legal work creates a substantial gap between the transvestites and the other illegal Brazilian workers, which leads them into potentially vulnerable situations.
Palavras-chave : Transvestites; Migration; Prostitution; Trafficking in Persons.