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Cadernos Pagu

versión impresa ISSN 0104-8333


CARRARA, Sérgio  y  SIMOES, Júlio Assis. Sexuality, Culture and Politics: the Journey of Male Homosexuality in Brazilian Anthropology.Traducido porThaddeus Gregory Blanchette. Cad. Pagu [online]. 2008, vol.1Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-8333.

The present article inquires into the ways in which a presumed Brazilian "managing" of sexual categories or identities (mainly related to male homosexuality) has been conceived of in anthropology since the end of the 1970, sometimes becoming an axis for building and maintaining a national identity characterized as exotic, backward and non-Western. We also trace parallels between two historical moments of reflection regarding the links between sexuality, culture and politics, briefly reviewing some of the early theoretical and empirical contributions that prefigure the central concerns and conceptualizations of today's sexuality studies: the instability and fluidity of sexual identities and the entanglement of sexuality with dynamic and contextual power relationships and social hierarchies.

Palabras clave : Homosexuality; Brazilian Anthropology; Sexual Identities; National Identity.

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