ISSN 0103-2070
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Tempo Social is a biannual journal, thus, the subscription covers the annual volume with two issues. It is also possible to subscribe biennially for four issues. For subscriptions by mail, please write to: Revista Tempo soc. - Departamento de Sociologia - FFLCH/USP, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, nº 315, São Paulo - SP, CEP 05508-010 (Tel.: (11) 3091-3766/FAX: (11) 3031-2096). Payment should be made by bank deposit to the order of: DISCURSO EDITORIAL, CGC. nº 71.928.238/0001-20, Banco Real, Agência 0831 (Cidade Universitária), C/C. nº 2712084-5, Inscrição Estadual: 113.973.699.177, Inscrição Municipal: 2.204.889-8, In this case a copy of the bank slip should be sent to the journal by mail or fax. |
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