ISSN 0103-2070 printed version
ISSN 1809-4554 online version



Scope and policy

Tempo Social is open to the collaboration of well-known researchers from Brazilian or foreign Universities and Research Institutes. Its editorial orientations aims to provide space for the discussion of Brazilian contemporary sociological themes, from a comparative perspective with other countries, in order to encourage discussions and constant dialogue with fields akin to sociology, such as anthropology, political sciences, philosophy and history. Thus, it is not to be characterized as a departmental journal. Its main objective is to produce an exchange of ideas regarding Brazilian reality and its insertion as a South American country, in an ever more globalized and internationalized world, in its search for ways and proposals towards the transformation of our social and cultural reality.

1) Articles are the sole responsibility of their authors. Reproduction, total or partial, is allowed as long as the full reference is given.

2) Submissions are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not previously been published and that they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. They should preferably be written in Portuguese.

3) Ad hoc referees will read the papers after the Editorial Board has evaluated them, and they may accept, reject, or return the original manuscripts with suggested alterations. Referees will remain anonymous, as well as contributors.

4) TEMPO SOCIAL has the copyright of the published articles, including those of translated materials. However, future reproduction will be allowed with the proper reference.


Shape and draft preparation

1) Articles should not exceed 51,000 characters.

2) The title of the paper (45 characters at the most) appears in the headline, and the name of the author(s) should have a footnote reference with information on the Department, Faculty and University where they work, or do their post-graduate studies.

3) Authors should submit their papers with:

a) an abstract, with the translation into English, including the title, of about 750 characters, which should synthesize the aims, methods and conclusions of the paper;

b) key words (3 to 5 entries) that identify the content of the paper.

4. Footnotes should be numbered and included following the article.

Bibliographical references within the text

1. Format of quotations within the text should appear as follows:

a) horror, como "fonte de narração" e "obstáculo à linguagem" (Gagnebin, 1994, p. 124).

b) "uma parte da existência (...) ligado ao centro" (Simmel, 1998, p. 171-172).

2. References that do not include quotes should be as follows:

a) ... a produção de seus docentes (cf. Goldemberg, 1992).

b) ... que não podiam ser sustentados logicamente (cf. Weber, 1982b, p. 171).

Format of bibliography

Bibliography (or bibliographic references) should appear at the end of the text, in alphabetical order, following the examples below (please make sure the sequence and punctuation are correct):

1. book:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title of the work in italic. place of publication, publisher.


DURKHEIM, Émile. (1963), As regras do método sociológico. São Paulo, Editora Nacional.

2. books by two authors:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name & AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title of the work in italic. place of publication, publisher.


MARX, Karl & ENGELS, Friedrich. (1980), Obras escolhidas. 3 vols. São Paulo, Alfa-Omega.

3. books by many authors:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title of the work in italic. place of publication, publisher.


WAGLEY, Charles et al. (1952), Race and class in rural Brazil. Paris, UNESCO.

4. chapter in book

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the chapter". In: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. Title of the work in italic. place of publication, publisher.


BENJAMIN, Walter. (1986), "A obra de arte na era de sua reprodutibilidade técnica". In: ______. Obras escolhidas I. São Paulo, Brasiliense, p. 165-196.

5. article in book organized by author:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the article". In: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name (org.). Title of the book. Place of publication, publisher, vol., pp. ii-ii.


MICELI, Sergio. (1989), "Condicionantes do desenvolvimento das ciências sociais". In: ______ (org.). História das ciências sociais no Brasil. São Paulo, Edições Vértice/IDESP, vol. 1, pp. 72-110.

6. article in book organized by the author and another person:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the article". In: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name & AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name (orgs.). Title of the book. Place of publication, publisher, vol., pp. ii-ii.


CARDOSO, Irene. (1997), "A narrativa silenciada". In: ______ & SILVEIRA, Paulo (orgs.). Utopia e mal-estar na cultura: perspectivas psicanalíticas. São Paulo, Hucitec, pp. 169-196.

7. article in book organized by another author:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the article". In: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name (org.). Title of the book. Place of publication, publisher, pp. ii-ii.


FERNANDES, Florestan. (1986), "As relações raciais em São Paulo reexaminadas". In: SIMSON, Olga R. de M. (org.). Revisitando a terra de contrastes. São Paulo, FFLCH-USP, pp. 13-19.

8. article in periodical or journal:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the article". Title of the periodical. Place of publication, nº of the periodical (vol.of the periodical): pp. ii-ii, month.


IANNI, Octavio. (2000), "Tendências do pensamento brasileiro". Tempo Social, São Paulo, 12(2): 49-54, novembro.

9. theses:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title of the theses. Place of publication, number of the pages. Academic degree. institution where the work was presented.


HIRANO, Sedi. (1986), Pré-capitalismo e capitalismo: a formação do Brasil colonial. São Paulo, 403 p. Tese (Doutorado). Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da Universidade de São Paulo.

10. article in daily press:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), "Title of the article". Title of the journal. Place of publication, date, pp. ii-ii.


DUARTE, Paulo. (1947), "Negros do Brasil". O Estado de S. Paulo, São Paulo, 16/04, p. 5-6.

11. second entry by same author:

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title in italic. Place of publication, publisher.

___________ .(year), Title of the work. Place of publication, publisher.


Arendt, Hannah. (1993a), A condição humana. Rio de Janeiro, Forense Universitária.

______. (1993b), A dignidade da política. Rio de Janeiro, Relume-Dumará.

Willems, Emílio. (1940), Assimilação e populações marginais no Brasil. São Paulo, Companhia Editora Nacional.

_______ & Baldus, Herbert. (1939), Dicionário de etnologia e sociologia. São Paulo, Companhia Editora Nacional.

Koestler, Arthur. (1945), Le zéro et l'infini. Paris, Calmann Levy.

_______ et alii. (1950), The God that failed. Zürich, Europa Verlag.

12. specifying original edition, when needed:

In the body of the text:

(Author's last name, year, p.)

(Burton, [1869]* 1979, p. 13).

An explanatory note will be included in the first entry:

  • the date between brackets refers to the original edition of the work. It is included the first time the book is mentioned. The other entries will contain only the edition used by the author (E.N.)

In the bibliographical references

BURTON, Richard Francis. (1979), Viagem de canoa de Sabará ao oceano Atlântico. 1ª edição 1869. Belo Horizonte/São Paulo, Itatiaia/Edusp.

13. works in other languages: do not translate anything.

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. (year), Title of the work. Place of publication, publisher.


HARRIS, Marvin. (1974), Patterns of race in the Americas. New York, Walker and Company.

BLUMMER, Herbert. (1958), Race prejudice as a sense of group position. Pacific Sociological Review, Beverly Hills, 1: 3-8, spring.

14. On-line research:.

AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, Name. "Title of the article". http://address of the site, access. [date of access].


NORTH, Douglas. (1993), "Economics and cognitive science". consultado em 06/04/2004


Sending of manuscripts

2. manuscripts should be sent:

a) Via internet. Our email address is: In case of no internet access please send
b) A version on disk (word for windows) and
c) A print out of the manuscript.


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