ISSN 1517-4522 printed version
ISSN 1807-0337 online version



Scope and editorial policy

Instructions for Contributors

1. Sociologias - Revista do PPGS is a triannual publication of the Sociology Graduate Program (PPG/Sociologia) of the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH), Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). Intended to promote the interchange between national and foreign social scientists, the periodical accepts previously unpublished works, under the form of articles, book reviews and research reports relevant to social sciences. The works must have academic and social interest.

2. Manuscripts must be submitted to Editoria Sociologias, PPG Sociologia, IFCH/ UFRGS, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500. Prédio 43111, sala 103, CEP 91509-900. Porto Alegre - RS, Brazil. Phones 55 51 3316 7008 and 3316 6635. FAX 55 51 3316 6646.

3. The acceptance of articles for publication is subject to the approval by the editorial board and contributors, with guaranteed anonymity for both authors and advisors throughout the evaluation process. Possible suggestions from the editorial board for changes in the structure or content will be previously accorded with the authors. Additions or modifications will not be accepted after the works have been accepted for printing.

4. Articles will be evaluated according to the following criteria: quality and accuracy of the arguments, validity of the presented data, timeliness and relevance of the article to the discussion of problems in the area of research, and the adequacy and contemporaneity of the references.


Instructions for original article

5. The manuscript must contain the name of the author, name of the article and institution where the author works only in the title page. The articles will be sent to advisors. After its evaluation, the author will receive a reply of acceptance, possible suggestions of modifications or the article's refusal. In any case the manuscripts will not be returned.

6. The author must submit two printed copies of the manuscript and one copy in disk, in the standard IBM-PC format, program MS Word, with a letter stating the full name of the article, his name, his maximum degree and his position in the institution(s) where he works, as well as his complete address, email and telephones for contact.

7. The texts must be typed in font Times New Roman 12, paragraphs with first line indented, justified, double-spaced (or 1.5) on standard A4 paper (210x297), on one side of the page.

8. The articles must have at least 10 pages and must not exceed 8 thousand words; books reviews and commentaries should not exceed 8 pages.

9. For literal bibliographical quotations in the text the author must use the author-date system. Short literal quotations (less than three lines) must be integrated in the paragraph, put in italic and followed by the last name of the author related in the text, year of publication and page(s) of the text quoted, all of it between parentheses and separate by commas. The quotations with more than three lines must be separated from the text in a special paragraph and indented (four spaces to the right of the left margin). All quotations must be in italic and without quotations marks. References with no literal quotation must be incorporated into the text, indicating between parentheses, at the end, the last name of the author and the year of publication. Foreign words must be put in italic, without quotations marks.

10. The manuscripts should be written in Portuguese or Spanish. In addition to the title and abstract (100 to 200 words) in Portuguese or Spanish, the articles must include an abstract in English. The author must indicate up to 5 keywords to facilitate proper indexation of the article.

11. Notes, if necessary, must be numbered consecutively within the text and placed at the foot of the page.

12. Figures, graphs, maps, tables, pictures and photographs must have title and source, and they should be numbered. They must be in conditions to allow reliable reproduction and qualitative printing, and should be submitted as a separate file rather than inserted in the text, with clear indications throughout the text of the location where the images must be inserted.

13. The periodical is not responsible for concepts stated by the authors. The spontaneous submission of any contribution automatically implies the complete cession of copyrights to the PPGS.

14. The contributor will be gratuitously supplied with three copies of the periodical's volume in which his article is published.

15. The references must be at the end of the paper, in alphabetical order and in accordance with ABNT rules, as shown in the following examples:

MOSER, Anita. A nova submissão: mulheres da zona rural no processo de trabalho industrial. Porto Alegre: EDIPAZ, 1985. 123 p. (Coleção Debate e Crítica).

LEMOS, Carlos A. O morar em São Paulo no tempo dos italianos. In: DE BONI, Luis A. (Org.). A presença italiana no Brasil. Porto Alegre: Escola Superior de Teologia, 1990. 740 p. p. 401-409.

CÂNDIDO, Antônio et al. A personagem de ficção. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1968. 119 p.

NOGUEIRA, Ronidalva. Michel Foucault numa breve visita às prisões de Pernambuco. Cadernos de Estudos Sociais, Recife, v. 6, n. 2, p. 269-282, jul./dez. 1990.

O REI está nú (2): adianta porém constatar o óbvio? Isto é, São Paulo, n. 1189, p. 15, 15 jul. 1992. Editorial.

NOVAES, Adauto (Org.). A crise da razão. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 1996. 250 p.

RAMOS, Eloisa Helena Capovila da Luz. O Partido Republicano rio-grandense e o poder local no litoral norte do Rio Grande do Sul - 1882/1895. 1990. 284 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.

PISTONE, Sérgio. Bonapartismo. In: BOBBIO, Norberto; MATTEUCCI, Nicola; PASQUINO, Gianfranco. Dicionário de política. Brasília: Ed. da Universidade de Brasília, 1986. 1318 p. p. 118-119.

PAGALLO, G. T. Democrito. In: DICCIONARIO de filósofos. Madrid: Rioduero, 1986. 1444 p. p. 321-324.

INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMAÇÃO EM CIÊNCIA E TECNOLOGIA. Conheça o IBICT. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 01 out. 1997.


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