ISSN 0100-8587
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Basic information
Religião e Sociedade is a journal published twice yearly, dedicated to religious subjects in all its relationship with society. It is open to any focus, tendency, perspective, and possible interpretations, including dialogues or interreligious confrontation, within all disciplines of humanities and of social sciences. It was founded in 1977 jointly by the Centro de Estudos da Religião (CER) and Instituto de Estudos da Religião (ISER), who presently publishes it. To access the web site of the journal Religião e Sociedade: Religião e Sociedade to publish original contributions in Social Sciences, History, Theology, Sciences of Religion. Is abbreviated title is Relig. Soc. , which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips. |
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© 2009 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
ISER - Instituto de Estudos da Religião
Ladeira da Glória, 98
22211-120 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil