ISSN 0046-001X versión impresa



Scope and policy

Papers are published in Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias Sociales after they have been selected by the Editorial Board. Through the years, the latter has been made up by social scientists coming from the most important Argentine centers of research. The journal is completely opened to contributions from local and regional academic circles of all kind. At the same time, with the aim of supporting the task of teaching institutions and of contributing to scientific discussions, it promotes the translation into Spanish and publishing of relevant works in different fields. To fulfill its task, the Editorial Board - all of whose members work honorarily - designates referees from within its ranks or outside experts that are always acknowledged figures in the corresponding field.


Manuscript preparation

(1) Only unpublished papers written in Spanish are considered for publication.

(2) The manuscript should be typewritten double-spaced in letter-size paper on only one side and sent with two copies. (Each page should contain 70 characters by line, and there should not be more than 30 lines in the page.) The printed copies should be accompanied with a diskette containing the paper in its electronic format, with indication of the word-processing program used.

(3) Length of works: Articles should have no more than 40 pages, while book reviews should have no more than 8.

(4) Each paper must include an abstract of its content, both in Spanish and English, no longer than 20 lines.

(5) In a footnote identified by a double asterisk next to the author(s)' name the following data will be given: postal address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, institution to which the author(s) belong(s).

(6) Footnotes will be correlatively numbered. Within each reference, data on books are to be included in the following order (without omitting any element): (a) author(s)' name and surname; (b) title of the work, in italics; (c) volume, if there is more than one; (d) editor(s), if the book is a compilation; (e) publication place and date; (f) page numbers. Data on articles will be similarly registered, with the exception that the article name should be between inverted commas, and the name of the journal in which it was published should be italicized. If bibliographical references are included in the main text, a complete "Bibliography" should be added, in alphabetical order, at the end of the work.

(7) Manuscripts by Argentine and Latin American authors should be delivered in Spanish. The cost of the translation of works in other languages will be paid by the author(s).

(8) The journal can only take responsibility for the papers it publishes and will only return the papers to its author(s) in case it is asked to do so.


Sending of manuscripts

Works that expect to be published should be sent to: Sr. Director / Desarrollo Económico - Revista de Ciencias Sociales / Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social / Aráoz 2838 / C1425DGT Buenos Aires / Argentina.


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© 2009 Copyright by Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social

Aráoz 2838 - C1425DGT Buenos Aires - Argentina
Tel.: +54 11 4804-4949
Fax.: +54 11 4804-5856