ISSN 0046-001X versi�n impresa



Basic information

Desarrollo Económico. Revista de Ciencias to publish original contributions in Sociology, Politics, Anthropology and Humanities.

The Journal was formally created at the end of 1960, together with the foundation of the Institute for Economic and Social Development (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, IDES). IDES is a nonprofit civil association founded by a group of researchers and scholars from the schools of philosophy and literature (facultades de Filosofía y Letras) and the schools of Economics (facultades de Economía) belonging to several institutions, such as the Buenos Aires University (Universidad de Buenos Aires), the Argentine Catholic University (Universidad Católica Argentina), the National University of Córdoba (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba), the Torcuato Di Tella Institute (Instituto Torcuato Di Tella), and the Federal Council for Investments (Consejo Federal de Inversiones). With time, the journal had gradually taken a multidisciplinary character, and besides being at the service of university chairs it became a qualified means of communication among the most prominent scholars of Argentina, Latin America and the rest of the world -mainly the Spanish-speaking world.

Its abbreviated title is Desarro. Econ., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.



Keyword indexing in data bases

Desarrollo Económico is keyword indexed and abstracts of its articles are included in the following publications: Current Contents (Social Science Citation Index, Institute for Scientific Information); Journal of Economic Literature (American Economic Association); Sociological Abstract (Cambridge Scientific Abstracts); International Bibliography of the Social Science (British Library of Political and Economic Science and UNESCO); Clase (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, UNAM); Hispanic American Periodicals Index (University of California, Los Angeles). It is also keyword indexed in some other periodicals and special editions made both in Argentina and abroad, as well as in on-line indexes.



The journal has been registered by IDES in the National Department of Copyright (Dirección Nacional del Derecho de Autor) under the file number 194296.


Institutional sponsors

The journal is funded by the:

  • Department of Science
  • Technology and Production Innovation (Secretaría de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva) of the National Ministry of Education
  • Science and Technology (Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de la Nación)


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� 2009 Copyright by Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social

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