ISSN 0101-9074 online version



Objective and Policy

The journal publishes articles related to History and/or similar areas, having the intention of publishing research results, texts related to national and international historiography and theoretical-methodological issues of History Teaching. In general, the journal is characterized by its wide thematic diversity that holds the composition of dossiers and articles of free theme, besides reviews and interviews.
Its audience is mostly academic, History and Human and Social Science areas.
In order to select the articles received, the Editorial Council counts on consultation of the National and International Consulter Councils, besides counting on ad hoc consultants that send evaluations of the articles to the Editorial Council.


Preparation of manuscripts

The journal publishes original articles, whose authors must have at least Ph.D. degree or with Ph.D. in progress, documents preceded of critical introduction, reviews, translations and interviews.
We accept articles in Portuguese, English, Spanish, French and Italian. Articles written in foreign language require translation of title, abstract and keywords in Portuguese and English (when article's modality demands one or all these elements).

The articles must have from 15 to 30 pages, margins of 2,0 cm, Times New Roman, size 12, space between lines 1,5 (in general). The short direct quotations (up to 3 lines) must be in the text between quotation marks. The long direct quotations (more than 3 lines) must be indented 4,0 cm, font 11, simple space. It is necessary to use the author-date scheme for the direct and indirect quotations. For example: (SILVA, 2004, p.12). The notes should appear after the Bibliographical References and they must be reduced to ESSENTIAL information to the text's comprehension. In the Bibliographical References, it must be listed only the books cited in the article according to the examples below:

Books and monographs. LAKATOS, E. M.; MARCONI, M. A. Metodologia do trabalho científico. 2 ed. São Paulo: Atlas, 1986.

Book Chapter. JOHNSON, W. Palavras e não palavras. In: STEINBERG, C. Meios de comunicação de massa. São Paulo: Cultrix, 1972, pp. 47-66.

Essays and Theses. PAPA, Helena Amália. Cristianismo Ortodoxo versus Cristianismo Heterodoxo: uma análise político-religiosa da contenda entre Basílio de Cesaréia e Eunômio de Cizico (séc. IV d.C.). 2009. Dissertação (Mestrado em História) - Faculdade de História, Direito e Serviço Social, Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Franca, 2009.

Periodical Articles. ARAUJO, V. G. de. A crítica musical paulista no século XIX: Ultrico Zwingli. Arte-unesp, São Paulo, n.4, v.7, pp.59-63, 1991.

Congress Presentation or similar (published) - MARIN, A. J. Educação continuada: sair do formalismo? In: CONGRESSO ESTADUAL PAULISTA SOBRE FORMAÇÃO DE EDUCADORES, 1, 1990. Anais ... São Paulo: UNESP, 1990, pp. 114-8.

Annexes or appendixes - will be included only when indispensable to the comprehension of the text.
Tables: must be numbered consecutively with Arabic numbers and headed by the title.
Pictures: it is necessary to put subtitles, number consecutively with Arabic numbers and it must start with the name PICTURE.
The articles must follow this order: Title (Portuguese and English); authors with biographical baseboard notes (title - institutional bond - institution's complete address - support - e-mail), Abstract (Portuguese and English); Text; Bibliographical References; and Notes (if the article has notes)
Examples of biographical baseboard notes:

* Professor - History Department and Post-graduation Program in History - Faculdade de História, Direito e Serviço Social - UNESP - Univ. Estadual Paulista, Campus de Franca - Av. Eufrásia Monteiro Petráglia, 900, CEP: 14409-160, Franca, São Paulo, Brasil. The research which resulted in this article was financed by CAPES. E-mail:
**Master's Degree in History - Doctor's Degree (in progress) - Post-graduation Program in History - Faculdade de Ciências e Letras de Assis - UNESP - Univ. Estadual Paulista, Campus de Assis - Av. Dom Bosco, 2100, CEP: 19806-900, Assis, São Paulo - Brasil. Scholar CNPq. E-mail:

The critical introduction that precedes the document should not exceed 07 pages typed in the rules of the articles, not including abstract and key words. There is no limit for the size of the document being published, but the proposal must be accompanied by copyright (when it is necessary).
The reviews must contain 7 pages at most and they will only be accepted if they are related to books published in Brazil or abroad in the last two years. Abstract and keywords are not necessary. The Reviews must follow the rules of the articles.

The translations will be evaluated according to importance of the translated text, they must have 50 pages at most and do not require abstract and keywords. They must contain the author's authorization and the original text.
The interviews follow the question-answer format and do not require abstract and keywords. They must contain 10 pages at most.

The data and concepts expressed in the articles as well as the accuracy of the bibliographical references are of the authors' entire respnsibility. The auhtors are also responsible for spelling correction, use of the language, and translation of the abstract, title and keywords to English. We do not remunerate the contributions, whose copyrights are, necessarily given to História journal (São Paulo).


Sending of manuscripts

The articles must be sent to one of the three e-mails:


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Coordenação de Pós-Graduação em História
Av. Eufrásia Monteiro Petráglia, 900
14409-160 - Franca - SP/Brasil