ISSN 1809-4422 on-line version



General guidelines

All work sent to Ambiente & Sociedade will be initially evaluated by the editors, and after a pre-selection, manuscripts will be sent to ad hoc reviewers.

The text can be sent in Portuguese, Spanish or English, typed in Word for Windows, Arial 12 and space 1,5 between lines. All pages of the original need to include the sequential number of the page. The text can have a minimum of 35.000 and maximum of 50.000 characters, considering spaces. The title of the article should have maximum 15 words. The Abstract ( from 100 do 150 words) should have a version in Portuguese, English and Spanish and should include the general idea, reserach question, objective, methods and main findings, and not be writen in first person. O texto deve conter Palavras-chave (de 3 a 5 palavras. The text has to contain Key (3 to 5 words). As Footnotes and Endnotes page, with an explanatory character should be avoided, used only as an exception, when strictly necessary to the understanding of the text and with a maximum of three lines. Footnotes will have sequential numbering, in Arabic, in the order they appear in the text. Only the works cited along the text should appear in References, organized under this title at the end of the article and in a new Page. They have to be adequate to international norms.

The texts should be submitted in the link:

More information on submission rules:

Information on Focus, Scope and Editorial Policy:


Focus and scope

Ambiente & Sociedade is a quarterly publication of the National Association of Graduate Courses and Research in Environment and Society - ANPPAS, that contributes with the area of knowledge that articulates the interface between Environment and Society, within an interdisciplinary approach. It publishes scientific work of national and international contributors, which are subject to evaluations by ad hoc reviewers.

The journal publishes theoretical articles and reviews of unedited books in the interdisciplinary area of interaction between Environment and.


New system of submission

The journal Ambiente e Sociedade migrated to the Submission Platform Scielo. To send articles:


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Secretaria Editorial da Revista Ambiente e Sociedade
Programa e Pós Graduação em Ciência Ambiental (PROCAM-USP)
Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 1289 - Instituto de Energia e Ambiente - IEE 
Prédio da Divisão de Ensino e Pesquisa - 2º Andar, Sala S16,
Secretária de Pós-Graduação, Cidade Universitária,
05508-010 - São Paulo, Brasil
Fone: 11 3091-3330