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13 Lu?Joaquim dos Santos Marrocos accompanied the second shipment of books from the Royal Library of Ajuda in March 1811 and reached Rio de Janeiro in June that year. The first shipment had come with the royal family in 1808 and in 1810 the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, created by decree on 27 June 1810 had around 50,000 items. The letters that Marrocos sent regularly to his father, Francisco Jos?are precious sources about life in the court and the city of Rio de Janeiro. His manner of confusing himself with the actual royal family expresses well the strong monarchist sentiment that linked it to the destinies of Portugal. They can be found in Anais da Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro,  1934, volume LVI. For his work in the Royal Library, see Lilia Moritz Schwartz, Paulo Cesar de Azevedo and Angela Marques da Costa. A longa viagem da Biblioteca dos Reis. Do terremoto de Lisboa ?ndepend?ia do Brasil. 1st reprinting. S?Paulo, Companhia das Letras, 2002.

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