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137 In relation to the reception of Thucydides by nineteenth century historiography, see HARTOG, Fran?s. "L'œil de Thucydide et l'histoire 'v?table'", ?idence de l'histoire. Ce que voient les historiens, Paris, EHESS, 2005, p. 82. As of the present I still do not know the reason that caused Varnhagen not to publish the Historia da independ?ia. The most common hypothesis is that he did not have time. This could be the case. I suspect, however, that this was not the only reason. He may have done so as a precaution, as a result of the care for himself I have mentioned above, after all writing about people who were very close could cause unnecessary embarrassment. See CA, p. 432, p. 440 and p. 467 and also the preface to Historia da Independ?ia and LESSA, C. op. cit., 224, p. 150.

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