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10 The notion of American colonial society as a society of domination, with all the range of nuances that this notion can have, has been studied by several authors. For Chile we can mention, among others, the works of Sergio Villalobos, Historia del pueblo chile-no, Tomo IV, Santiago, Editorial Universitaria, 1999, 211-294. From the point of view of social disciplining, Leonardo Le?as shown the mechanisms of control of the population by the elite of the illustration. See his works, "Elite y bajo pueblo durante el per?o colonial. La guerra contra las pulperas en Santiago de Chile", Monograf? de Cuadernos de Historia Nš 1, Historia de las mentalidades. Homenaje a Georges Duby, Santiago, Departamento de Ciencias Hist?as, Universi­dad de Chile, 2000, 93-114;

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