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When we state the existence of a social use of honor in 18th century Chile, we not only postulate the possibility of negotiation of native identities but of all those linked to the faces of honor, especially in middle and lower groups.  The synonymy between honor and good conduct, or between honor and virility, were some of the mechanisms used by poor Spaniards, Indians and castes to construct alternative representations of honor. With this, the importance of traditional criteria, like lineage, was eluded or at least minimized. See Ver?a Undurraga, "El honor no es m?que la buena opini?t;/i>: aproximaci?l honor a partir de la categor?de lo p?co en el Chile de 1792 a 1822", Bicentenario. Revista de Historia de Chile y Am?ca, Vol. 4, Nº 2, 2005, Santiago, 17-35.

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