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YEPES, Rodrigo Uprimny. Judicialization of politics in Colombia: cases, merits and risks.Translated byBarney Whiteoak. Sur [online]. 2007, vol.3Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1806-6445.

    1. See, for example, Boaventura Santos, "Los paisajes de las justicias en las sociedades contemporáneas", in Boaventura Santos & Mauricio García-Villegas (eds.), El caleidoscopio de las justicias en Colombia, Bogotá, Uniandes-Siglo del Hombre-Colciencias-CES, 2001. [ Links ]

    2. For similar concepts, see the work of Pilar Domingo, in particular her article in this issue and her paper entitled: Pilar Domingo, "Judicialisation of Politics: The Changing Political Role of the Judiciary in Mexico", in Rachel Sieder, Line Schjolden & Alan Angell (eds.), The Judicialisation of Politics in Latin America., New York, Palgrave Macmillan, (in press 2005). [ Links ]

    3. See, on this topic: Rodrigo Uprimny, "Jueces, narcos y políticos: La judicialización de la crisis política", in Francisco Leal Buitrago (ed.), Tras las huellas de la crisis política, Bogotá, Tercer Mundo Editores, Fescol, IEPRI, 1996. [ Links ]

    4. On this topic, see: Fernando Cepeda Ulloa, "La pérdida de investidura de los congresistas: una herramienta eficaz contra la corrupción", in Fernando Cepeda Ulloa (Ed), Las fortalezas de Colombia, Bogotá, Ariel, IADB, 2004, pp. 489 ff. [ Links ]

    5. For an introduction to the evolution of the judicial review for the use of these extraordinary powers, see Rodrigo Uprimny, "The Constitutional Court and Control of Presidential Extraordinary Powers in Colombia", in Siri Glippen, Roberto Gargarella & Elin Skaar (Eds), Democratization and the Judiciary, London, Frank Cass, 2003. [ Links ]

    12. See Luis Carlos Sotelo, "Los derechos constitucionales de prestación y sus implicaciones económico-políticas", in Departamento Nacional de Planeación de Colombia, Archivos de macroeconomía, Documento 133, 2000. [ Links ]

    13. See Corte Constitucional y Consejo Superior de la Judicatura, Estadísticas sobre la tutela, Bogotá, 1999. [ Links ]

    16. On this point, see the concise presentation by Pilar Domingo: op.cit. Also see Javier Couso, "Consolidación democrática y poder judicial: los riesgos de la judicialización de la política", Revista de Ciencia Política, Vol XXIV, No 2, 2004, pp. 37 ff. [ Links ]

    17. Herbert Jacob et al., Courts, Law and Politics in Comparative Perspective, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1996, pp. 396 ff. [ Links ]

    18. On the tensions between the social content of the Constitution and the neoliberal strategies of governments in the 1990s and, in particular, the Gaviria administration, see José Antonio Ocampo, "Reforma del Estado y desarrollo económico y social en Colombia", Análisis Político, No 17, September/December 1992. [ Links ]

    See also Andrés López Restrepo, "El cambio de modelo de desarrollo de la economía colombiana", Análisis Político, N. 21, January/April 1994.
    [ Links ]

    19. See Luigi Ferrajoli, Razón y derecho, Madrid, Trotta, 1985, pp. 855 ff. [ Links ]

    20. On this contrast, see César Rodríguez, Mauricio Garcia and Rodrigo Uprimny, "Justice and society in Colombia: a sociological analysis of Colombian courts", in Lawrence Friedman & Rogelio Pérez-Perdomo (Eds), Legal Culture in the Age of Globalization, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2003. [ Links ]