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Sociologias vol.1 Porto Alegre  2006

Granted autonomy and appropriation of labor
Rosenfield, Cinara L.

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
Brazilian Sociology: contemporary epistemological-theoretical and institutional trends
Liedke Filho, Enno Dagoberto

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
Latin american sociology's contribution to sociological imagination: analysis, criticism, and social commitment
Tavares-dos-Santos, José Vicente; Baumgarten, Maíra

        · abstract in English | Spanish     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
What is complex in the complex world? Niklas Luhmann and the theory of social systems
Neves, Clarissa Eckert Baeta; Neves, Fabrício Monteiro

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )
Building up user participation: councils and conferences in the Brazilian Health System
Cortes, Soraya Maria Vargas

        · abstract in English | Portuguese     · text in English     · English ( pdf )