Young people and drug consumption: workshops to provide tools for workers in social institutions, from a collective health perspective Soares, Cássia Baldini; Campos, Célia Maria Sivalli; Leite, Adriana de Souza; Souza, Cristina Lourdes Leite de
Bioethics and professional identity: the healthcare worker's construction of the experience of him/herself1 Ramos, Flávia Regina Souza; Ó, Jorge Ramos Do
Centers for permanent healthcare education: an analysis on the experience of social players in the north of the state of Paraná1 Nicoletto, Sônia Cristina Stefano; Mendonça, Fernanda de Freitas; Bueno, Vera Lúcia Ribeiro de Carvalho; Brevilheri, Eliane Cristina Lopes; Almeida, Daniel Carlos da Silva e; Rezende, Lázara Regina de; Carvalho, Gisele dos Santos; González, Alberto Durán
The use of the race/color variable in public health: possibilities and limitations Araújo, Edna Maria de; Costa, Maria da Conceição N.; Hogan, Vijaya K.; Araújo, Tânia Maria de; Batista, Acácia; Oliveira, Lúcio O. A.
The Brazilian unified national health system as an observatory for universal rights: a reflection based on the social sciences1 Nascimento, Paulo Roberto do; Zioni, Fabiola
The Body as a Pulse Liberman, Flavia
Sanitizing, caring and civilizing: the medical discourse for schools in the state of Paraná (1920-1937) Larocca, Liliana Müller; Marques, Vera Regina Beltrão
Pedro's circuits in the city of São Paulo: religiosity and homelessness Galvani, Debora; Barros, Denise Dias
Female sexuality in magazines Zucco, Luciana Patrícia; Minayo, Maria Cecília de Souza
Time, science and consensus: the different times involving scientific research, political decision and public opinion José Aparecido de; Epstein, Isaac
Legal, medical and lay understanding of embryos in Portugal: alignment with biology? Silva, Susana; Machado, Helena
Collective welcoming: a challenge instigating new ways of producing care Cavalcante Filho, João Batista; Vasconcelos, Elisângela Maria da Silva; Ceccim, Ricardo Burg; Gomes, Luciano Bezerra
Health promotion and reduction of vulnerabilities: a strategy for knowledge production and (trans)formation of healthcare work, based on Ergology Sant'Ánna, Suze Rosa; Hennington, Élida Azevedo
The conceptualizations of adolescence constructed by professionals within the family health strategy (FHS) Fonseca, Débora Cristina; Ozella, Sérgio
Interactive classifications: the case of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children Jerzy, Fabíola Stolf Brzozowski; Brzozowski, André; Caponi, Sandra
Knowledge and curricular practices: an analysis on a university-level healthcare course Lemos, Cristiane Lopes Simão; Guimarães, Selva
Right to health, biopower and bioethics Junges, José Roque
Scientific recognition in numbers: analysis of the profile of a vanguard from Lattes curricula vitae Montagner, Miguel Ângelo; Montagner, Maria Inez; Hoehne, Eduardo Luiz
The work of nurses and municipal guards: identity, gender and power Silva, Eduardo Pinto e; Fabbro, Márcia Regina Cangiani; Heloani, Roberto
The regulatory complex for healthcare from the perspective of its operational players Ferreira, Janise Braga Barros; Mishima, Silvana Martins; Santos, José Sebastião dos; Forster, Aldaísa Cassanho; Ferraz, Clarice Aparecida
The narrow entrance door of Brazil's national health system (SUS): an evaluation of accessibility in the family health strategy Azevedo, Ana Lucia Martins de; Costa, André Monteiro
The social representations of employees of a long-stay institution in the interior of Minas Gerais regarding violence Kullok, Alcione Tavora; Santos, Ivana de Cássia Baptista dos
Solidarity in family medicine in Brazil and in Italy: reflecting on ethical issues and contemporary challenges Lima, Rita de Cássia Gabrielli Souza; Verdi, Marta Inez Machado
Reflective processes and competencies involved in teaching practice at university: a case study Costa, Caetano da; Casagrande, Lisete Diniz Ribas; Ueta, Julieta
Men in primary healthcare: discussing (in)visibility based on gender perspectives Couto, Márcia Thereza; Pinheiro, Thiago Félix; Valença, Otávio; Machin, Rosana; Silva, Geórgia Sibele Nogueira da; Gomes, Romeu; Schraiber, Lilia Blima; Figueiredo, Wagner dos Santos
Educational activities for primary healthcare workers: "educação permanente em saúde" and continuing education concepts in the day-to-day routine of primary healthcare units in São Paulo Peduzzi, Marina; Guerra, Débora Antoniazi Del; Braga, Carina Pinto; Lucena, Fabiana Santos; Silva, Jaqueline Alcântara Marcelino da
Caring for pregnant women and babies in the context of the family healthcare program: an ethnographic study Bustamante, Vania; McCallum, Cecilia Anne
The use of portfólios in university pedagogy: a experience in nursing courses Sordi, Mara Regina Lemes de; Silva, Margarida Montejano