Healthcare at work: implications for nurse training Sena, Roseni Rosângela de; Silva, Kênia Lara; Gonçalves, Alda Martins; Duarte, Elysângela Dittz; Coelho, Suelene
The teaching of homeopathy and its practice in the Brazilian Public Health System (SUS) Galhardi, Wania Maria Papile; Barros, Nelson Filice de
Body, sex and subversion: reflections on two queer theoreticians Pereira, Pedro Paulo Gomes
Curriculam change: construction of a new pedagogical training project in the field of Speech Therapy Trenche, Maria Cecília Bonini; Barzaghi, Luisa; Pupo, Altair Cadrobbi
Healthcare during the pregnancy-puerperium cycle from the perspective of public service users1 Parada, Cristina Maria Garcia de Lima; Tonete, Vera Lúcia Pamplona
Towards a stated position in pedagogical discourse mediated by virtual learning environments Mutti, Regina Maria Varini; Axt, Margarete
Narratives, reflective processes and professional practice: contributions towards research and training Marcolino, Taís Quevedo; Mizukami, Maria da Graça Nicolletti
Academic Leagues and medical formation: contributions and challenges Torres, Albina Rodrigues; Oliveira, Gabriel Martins de; Yamamoto, Fábio Massahito; Lima, Maria Cristina Pereira
Significance of corporal practices in the treatment of the chemical dependency Pimentel, Giuliano Gomes de Assis; Oliveira, Edna Regina Netto de; Pastor, Aparecida Paulina
Ethnography: use, potentialities and limits in health research Caprara, Andrea; Landim, Lucyla Paes
The internet, expert patients and medical practice: an analysis of the literature Garbin, Helena Beatriz da Rocha; Pereira Neto, André de Faria; Guilam, Maria Cristina Rodrigues
Reflective training: teachers' representations regarding the use of a reflective portfolio for physician and nurse training Silva, Roseli Ferreira da; Sá-Chaves, Idália
Faith healing and the field of healthcare in Brazil Puttini, Rodolfo Franco
Aesthetic experience and institutional daily life: new maps for subjectively dealing with spaces for mental healthcare Mecca, Renata Caruso; Castro, Eliane Dias de
Education from the marxist perspective: an approach based on marx and gramsci Ferreira Jr., Amarilio; Bittar, Marisa
Therapeutic follow-up in hospitalization: social inclusion, recovery of citizenship and respect for individuality Fiorati, Regina Célia; Saek, Toyoko; Belluzzo, Arlete Soares
Living innovation: experiences in the course of nutrition Pedroso, Maísa Beltrame; Cunha, Maria Isabel
The proposal of permanent education in the formation of dentists in std/hiv/aids Nunes, Maria de Fátima; Leles, Cláudio Rodrigues; Pereira, Márcio Florentino; Alves, Renata Tolêdo
Analysis of speech: a reflection on health research Macedo, Laura Christina; Larocca, Liliana Muller; Chaves, Maria Marta Nolasco; Mazza, Verônica de Azevedo
Evaluation of support houses for individuals living with HIV/AIDS in the Municipality of Ribeirão Preto of the State of São Paulo, Brazil Soares, Marisley Vilas Bôas; Forster, Aldaísa Cassanho; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
Dengue control: the relevance of transdisciplinary interaction Teixeira, Maria Glória
Women and trajectories within the Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNICAMP: singular voices and collective images Montagner, Maria Inez
Successful aging: paths for a construct and new frontiers Lima, Ângela Maria Machado de; Silva, Henrique Salmazo da; Galhardoni, Ricardo
Consecration of vanguards: collective memory and biography of scientific practices in the Faculty of Medical Sciences at UNICAMP Montagner, Miguel
The baton of death orchestrating life Loureiro, Altair Macedo Lahud
Drug promotion and advertising in teaching environments: elements for debate Palácios, Marisa; Rego, Sergio; Lino, Maria Helena
Medical education: university business, not that of the pharmaceutical industry Zoboli, Elma Lourdes Campos Pavone
Medication advertising within the context of the Brazilian Health System (SUS) and medical education: why discuss it? Oliveira, Neilton Araujo de
Code of rights and obligations of hospitalized patients within the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): the daily hospital routine under discussion Gomes, Annatália Meneses de Amorim; Sampaio, José Jackson Coelho; Carvalho, Maria das Graças Barreto de; Nations, Marilyn Kay; Alves, Maria Socorro Costa Feitosa
National Humanization Policy as a bet for collective production of changes in management and care methods Pasche, Dário Frederico
The collective level as a dimension for creation within the field of Public Health Escóssia, Liliana da
The National Humanization Policy as a policy produced within the healthcare labor process Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de; Gomes, Rafael da Silveira
Internal management contracts within the context of the Humanization Policy: experimenting with methodology within the reference frame of co-management Santos Filho, Serafim Barbosa; Figueiredo, Vera de Oliveira Nunes
Biopolitics, healthcare production and another humanism Neves, Claudia Abbês Baêta; Massaro, Altair
Humanizing childbirth care: brief theoretical framework Rattner, Daphne