Popular culture and romantic sensibility: Mário de Andrade's dramatic dances Cavalcanti, Maria Laura Viveiros de Castro
Parties in the electorate: public perceptions and party attachments in Brazil Kinzo, Maria D'Alva
The romantic drive and human sciences in western culture Duarte, Luiz Fernando Dias
A socioeconomic classification for Brazil Santos, José Alcides Figueiredo
Sovereignty, human rights, and international migrations Reis, Rossana Rocha
Through the looking glass: subjectivity in My formation, by Joaquim Nabuco Araújo, Ricardo Benzaquen de
Residential segregation and public policies: São Paulo in the 1990's Torres, Haroldo da Gama
Social sciences and the English language Ortiz, Renato
The third shore of history: structure and narrative of the indigenous societies Sáez, Oscar Calavia
Decentering the United States in the studies of blackness in Brazil Pinho, Patricia de Santana