Brazilian Political Science Review (Online)
On-line version ISSN 1981-3821
VIEIRA, Marco Antonio. The securitization of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a norm: a contribution to constructivist scholarship on the emergence and diffusion of international norms. Braz. political sci. rev. (Online) [online]. 2007, vol.2Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1981-3821.
This article discusses the emergence in the late 1990s of an innovative conceptualization of security that proclaims the global HIV/AIDS epidemic a threat to international peace and stability. The study provides a framework for understanding the securitization of the HIV/AIDS epidemic as an international norm defined and promoted mainly by multilateral bodies, powerful states in the North and transnational HIV/AIDS advocacy networks. The HIV/AIDS securitization norm (HASN) is an attempt of the present analysis to synthesize under a single analytical concept the myriad of ideas and international prescriptions about HIV/AIDS interventions. The article identifies the actors who developed the main strategic prescriptions of the HASN and the transnational mechanisms that promoted the diffusion of its concepts throughout the state system.
Keywords : Securitization; HIV [AIDS]; Southern African states; constructivism; international norms; international security.