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Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação

Print version ISSN 1414-3283


SANTOS FILHO, Serafim Barbosa; BARROS, Maria Elizabeth Barros de  and  GOMES, Rafael da Silveira. The National Humanization Policy as a policy produced within the healthcare labor process.Translated byPhilip Sidney Pacheco Badiz. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2008, vol.4Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1414-3283.

This paper had the aim of conducting an analytical exercise about how the National Humanization Policy is undertaken, with regard to the institutional support function, based on different mechanisms, guidelines and principles. The text is divided into three parts. The first part provides reflections concerning the concepts of humaneness and humanism on which the analyses are based. The second seeks to expand the debate regarding the indissociability of healthcare and management and the way of providing institutional support. The third covers the indissociability between the production of services and the production of subjects and moves the discussion on these three parts forward for them to be developed in other planes of analysis. Throughout the text, emphasis is placed on banking on including different subjects and on analysis and collective management of labor processes as a strategy for creating productive destabilization and humanization practices within the healthcare services.

Keywords : Humanization of assistance; Institutional support; Co-management; Collective labor process analysis; Public policies.

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