Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação
Print version ISSN 1414-3283
AUGSBURGER, Ana Cecilia; GERLERO, Sandra Silvana and TABOADA, Ernesto. The formation of professionals in the Epidemiology graduate course: the teaching strategies of an experiment.Translated byMariana Ruiz Echesortu. Interface (Botucatu) [online]. 2007, vol.3Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1414-3283.
The article describes and evaluates the experience of designing and implementing a graduate educational project aimed at training health professionals in the Epidemiology area. The teaching-learning experience, linked to the development of field-work in the formation of Epidemiology specialists, is analyzed with the purpose of deepening our reflections on the different teaching strategies adopted, and especially of valuing the innovation possibilities allowed by critical teaching. First, we deal with the social and health context within which the career in Epidemiology in the National University of Rosario (Argentina) is designed and implemented. Then, we look in detail at the possibilities for integrating educational practices and health interventions through the preparation of a curriculum plan. Finally, we examine the teaching strategy adopted. The paper concludes by identifying some of the challenges emerging from this educational evaluation.
Keywords : health professional education; graduate course; Epidemiology; educational evaluation; pedagogical strategy.