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Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura

Print version ISSN 1413-0580


MAIA, João Marcelo E.. Space, social theory and Brazilian social thought.Translated byBruno Reinhardt. Estud.soc.agric. [online]. 2008, vol.4Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1413-0580.

This article seeks to present a research agenda under development by the author since his PhD and which is focused on a discussion about the role of "space" in social theory and Brazilian social thought. One of the theses which I sustain is related to the possibility of interpreting spatial images as cognitive modes of social life and not just descriptive categories of landscapes. Besides, I argue that these images perform a central role in non-central societies, which originated at the margins of European classical modernity. I also suggest that it is possible to analyze Brazilian social thought using this analytical tool.

Keywords : Space; Brazilian Social Thought; Modernity.

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