Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura
Print version ISSN 1413-0580
MAY, Peter; BOYD, Emily; CHANG, Manyu and VEIGA NETO, Fernando C.. Incorporating sustainable development into carbon forest projects in Brazil and Bolivia.Translated byPeter May. Estud.soc.agric. [online]. 2005, vol.1Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 1413-0580.
Can the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) bring local sustainable development benefits to low-income communities? CDM carbon forest projects may displace local peoples; plantations may cause environmental damage. But win-win outcomes addressing both carbon emissions reductions and poverty alleviation may exist. Empirical findings from Brazil and Bolivia illustrate that pilot schemes had only limited sustainable development benefits. Top-down and with inadequate local stakeholder participation, they faced a number of barriers to sustainability. But they offered valuable learning opportunities, insights for future projects. Guidelines are offered for integrating socio-economic concerns in global environmental projects.
Keywords : CDM; forests; stakeholders; participation.