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Cadernos Pagu

versión impresa ISSN 0104-8333


PISCITELLI, Adriana. Between "Mafias" and "Help": building of knowledge on human trafficking.Traducido porThaddeus Gregory Blanchette. Cad. Pagu [online]. 2008, vol.1Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-8333.

In the present article, I comment on some difficulties related to the building of knowledge regarding human trafficking. I base the present work on research carried out in Brazil and in Spain which shows the importance of mapping and politically locating the different interest groups involved, including those people whom believe that they are protecting and helping trafficking victims. I analyze methodological problems, discussing the effects of the validity of different definitions of human trafficking in the production of data and documents. In conclusion, I consider the distinctions between crime and the violation of human rights so as to better reflect on one of the aspects present in the material: the distance between the perception of those technically considered to be victims of trafficking and the legal definitions of this crime.

Palabras clave : Human Trafficking; Crime; Human Rights; Gender; Prostitution.

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