Estudos Feministas
Print version ISSN 0104-026X
MIGUEL, Luis Felipe and QUEIROZ, Cristina Monteiro de. Regional differences and women's relative success in municipal elections in Brazil.Translated byRita Ávila. Estud. fem. [online]. 2006, vol.2Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-026X.
Why do women achieve better performance in economically underdeveloped regions in Brazilian local elections? This paper examines three possible explanations that have been suggested in debates regarding the issue: 1) the association of female candidates in these regions with right-wing parties; 2) the educational gap that benefits them; and 3) the greater number of women in the constituency. However, the data analysis leads to a rejection of all the above hypotheses, which indicates a need for further and more complex explanations for the phenomenon. The data also allows a better view of the limitations in the electoral quotas for women in the Brazilian legislation.
Keywords : gender and electoral participation; regional differences; local election; Brazilian policies.