Estudos Feministas
Print version ISSN 0104-026X
FINAMORE, Claudia Maria and CARVALHO, João Eduardo Coin de. Women candidates: the relationships between gender, media and discourse.Translated byJeff Hoff. Estud. fem. [online]. 2006, vol.2Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-026X.
On this paper we discuss, within the cross over of two representations - woman and politic function - the medias power to influence voters choices and their roles as interpreters of media messages. Under a position that understands the relativity of the medias power, we set the idea of gender discourse as a mediator of its influence. Whereas literature shows how a candidate suffers an important effect of media exposition, transformed in a marketing product, we suggest that women in politics suffer from the stereotype that states "womens place is at home". We conclude that women politic participation is strongly linked to the way in which they are represented in the common sense and a change in the hegemonic discourses about women that cross individuals and social groups becomes necessary as to have this situation modified.
Keywords : Gender; Politics; Elections; Discourse; Media.