Estudos Feministas
Print version ISSN 0104-026X
MELLO, Luiz. A(Anti)homosexual familism and regulation of citizenship in Brazil.Translated byJeff Hoff. Estud. fem. [online]. 2006, vol.2Selected edition, pp. 0-0. ISSN 0104-026X.
Ten years after the presentation of proposed legislation that institutes the civil partnership between same-sex people, this article is a collection of reflections about the theoretical and political debate regarding relationships between homosexuals as an expression of diversity of the social institution of family. The lack of legal rights for gay and lesbian partners and parents is an explicit denial of their citizenship. It will be shown that romantic and sexual relationships, which make us intrinsically human, is in legal terms, a heterocentric possibility. This is an expression of the erotic injustice and sexual oppression that affect gays and lesbians in Brazil and most of the world.
Keywords : Homosexuality; Family; Citizenship; Civil Partnership; Marriage.