Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales (Santa Cruz de la Sierra)]]> vol. 3 num. SE lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>The balance of payments constrained growth model</B>: <B>empirical evidence for Bolivia, 1953-2002<A NAME="_ftnref1"></A></B>]]> Much of the theoretical and empirical literature has focused on supply factors when studying economic growth determinants, leaving aside demand factors. The present study, instead, analyzes external demand factors as determinants of Bolivian economic growth between 1953-2002 utilizing models introduced by Thirlwall (1979). According to cointegration analysis, exports were an important determinant in Bolivian economic growth for the whole period. Later analysis of other variables showed that real exchange rates presented a negative relationship in respect to long term growth. Further results show that Bolivian imports are more elastic than exports before a growth of the GDP, producing a negative impact on the trade balance. Our hypothesis is that the economic model implemented since 1985 has increased the external constraint of the country causing a process of "deindustrialization". <![CDATA[<B>Three pre-concepts regarding the internal migration in Bolivia<A NAME="_ftnref1"></A></B>]]> Migration in Bolivia is a historical and widespread phenomenon which has profoundly modified the dynamic and structure of the territory in the last 30 years. However, in this topic there are various pre-concepts linked to the political and cultural polarization that exists in this country. These three pre-concepts: the massive migration from the west towards the east; the change in distribution of the population; and the migration of the poor, are analyzed in this article in order to show that the situation is more complex and that they can cause dramatic consequences that affect the population's culture of some regions, as well as the economical growth of the country.