Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Revista Fuerzas Armadas y Sociedad ]]> vol. 1 num. SE lang. pt <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>The Brazilian foreign policy and the hemispheric security</B>]]> This article analyses the recent evolution of Brazilian Foreign Policy, mainly its security aspects. The security issues were repositioned within the Brazil’s international agenda and have acquired new format during the 1990’s, particularly related to the Brazil’s strategy to build its South American leadership. Both, the September 11th attacks and Luis Inácio Lula Da Silva election in 2002, have strengthened the previous tendencies, and haven’t produced significant changes. Two factors are crucial to this process: a) MERCOSUR impact on the regional geopolitical accommodation and b) the recent Brazil’s policies toward Amazon region increasing its presence and political actions. <![CDATA[<B>Security and rights</B>: <B>incompatible goods?</B>]]> This article suggests that in the origins of modern state, there is a paradox: the state concentrates the use of violence and, in this way, it is the main source of violence; but at the same time, attempts to delete it. To solve this paradox is the main challenge of the democratic state. If modern state provides security without rights, it would lose legitimacy, its moral advantage. At international level, the situation is similar. However, the European constitution shows that Kant’s dream - a cosmopolitan republic- is possible. <![CDATA[<B>Reflections upon homosexuality in the armed forces</B>]]> This paper will discuss the issues involved in the incorporation of homosexual personnel into the Armed Forces. From a comparative standpoint it is established that the increasing relevance of this matter in developed countries, is due to social changes, operative necessities and the development of a growing policy from the states towards the generation of maximum levels of equality of opportunities for all individuals, including the Armed Forces. Furthermore, this process can’t be just tackled from a moral point of view, which tends to segregate society and can isolate society from its military institutions. Finally, there exist multiple options to face this topic, since there are not unique "recipes" and therefore, it must be addressed considering the particular features of society. <![CDATA[<B>The role of parliament in national defense</B>]]> One of the most important institutions in democratic regimes is questioned today in what relates to its operation. The Parliament, a place of representation and scene of different positions in a democratic environment, its importance in the reconstruction of the relation between society, State and Armed Forces is not usually an object of academic debate. At the same time, it doesn’t act as a projection of defense policies in the region. Nevertheless, and while the democratic practice remains and it places its roots in different countries, its role as a control entity and civil conduction of defense will begin, necessarily, in order to acquire another level of debate and consideration. The following article proposes an analysis of the functions that this institution can fulfill in defense by contributing to the process of construction of control and civil conduction. <![CDATA[<B>Police force reform and military participation against delinquency</B>]]> In recent years, levels of fear and insecurity have risen throughout Latin America, as levels of public confidence in the police have continued to drop. On one hand, these trends have made evident the pressing need for police reform. On the other, they have fueled public pressure to enlist the armed forces to assist the police in combating crime, drugs, and other threats to internal security. This article examines the context for this emergent militarization, particularly as it relates to recent crime trends. It presents some of the reforms that have been carried out in the region, and concludes by discussing some of the future challenges likely to face institutions of public security.