Scielo RSS <![CDATA[T'inkazos]]> vol. 2 num. SE lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>I'll come back to water the fields: transnational migration, productive investment and quality of life</B>]]> Investment and other means of participation make transnational migrants present in their communities of origin, in this case situated in the High Valley of Cochabamba Department. The author also analyzes the impact of productive migrant investment on the quality of life of the families in the region. <![CDATA[<B>Being <I>cruceño </I>in october 2003</B>: <B>the challenges to identity</B>]]> This article is based on an analysis of institutional pronouncements published during the crisis of October, 2003, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, in order to find out the thread which leads to an explanation of the construction of an identity discourse in Santa Cruz, and of the apparent representativity of the pro-Santa Cruz Committee. The author shows that the claim for identity reinforces the political demands and the relations of power in Santa Cruz, one of the most important cities of Bolivia. <![CDATA[<B>The unintelligibility of the cholo in Bolivia</B>]]> The author reflects on the theoretical possibilities of the category of the cholo for postcolonial criticism and the actuality of Bolivia. Beyond that she argues that the economic and cultural rise of the cholo and the national projects against him are a fissure in the dichotomous logic of white-Indian power which reveals a capitalist-ethnic economic model. <![CDATA[<B>Political subjectivity in the youth of the city of El Alto</B>]]> Politics is reflected in the subjectivity of the Alteño youngsters; such subjectivity contains also their cultural identity. For these youngsters, reclaiming their culture equals to showing themselves as against poverty, race discrimination, and the unequal conditions in which they live. <![CDATA[<B>Intellectual tendencies in the debate for autonomies</B>]]> The authors of this article collect the most widespread intellectual reflections in Bolivia of the last years about the theme of autonomies and, from those, establish tendencies that influence directly or indirectly the construction the actual proposals of the social movements and politicians to the Constituent Assembly.