Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Cuadernos del CLAEH]]> vol. 4 num. SE lang. es <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<b>Places of memory</b>: Is the concept applicable to the analysis of memorial struggles?<b>The case of Uruguay and its recent past</b>]]> Between 1984 and 1992, Pierre Nora coined the concept of place of memory to designate those artifacts that where collective memory crystallizes and secretes itself. The concept, which was created to analyze the French memory, soon became involved in discussions about the advisability of applying it to other countries. Although the concept has been used in several empirical studies carried out in Latin America, its theoretical relevance in the context of the region's memorial struggles has hardly been discussed. This article probes the notion's possible bearing on Latin American circumstances, especially within the context of confrontation and memorial struggles, and in the history of the present time, by reflecting on the specific case of Uruguay and its recent past (pre-dictatorship and dictatorship). <![CDATA[<b>An analysis of unemployment insurance in Uruguay and discussion of proposed modifications</b>]]> Unemployment insurance is a type of contributory program which aims to provide transitory benefits and has three main objectives: provide workers with temporary income so they can select a job which is suited to their skills, reduce the decline in aggregate spending during recessions by stabilizing the income and consumption of those concerned, and reduce workers' resistance to productive restructuring. A review of international experiences shows that beyond differences in program design, the related problems tend to repeat themselves. In general terms, unemployment insurance programs may stimulate abusive behavior from workers and employers. This article systematizes the weaknesses of Uruguay's current unemployment insurance program. Statistical data are presented and the extent to which this program may be stimulating abusive behavior is discussed. Finally, we consider possible modifications. <![CDATA[<b>Uruguayan participation in UN peace operations</b>: <b>An underestimated international insertion tool</b>]]> The paper is a contribution to the public debate on the foundations and effects of Uruguay's participation in un Peacekeeping Operations as an instrument of foreign policy. In the first section we offer a brief description of the origins and historic evolution of un Peacekeeping Operations. In the second we examine the Uruguayan participation in these Operations. In the third section, the links between this participation and the country's international insertion strategy are observed. The fourth is devoted to analysing to which the extent is the policy of participation in un Peacekeeping Operations coherent with the reasons used to justify it. Finally, we present the main conclusions of this work. <![CDATA[<b>Soap operas, to entertain and to educate</b>]]> Soap operas are increasingly inserted in a concrete social reality. The representations constructed by soap operas are associated with daily life and social with the context in which they are immersed. This article discusses the narrow boundary between fiction and reality in soap operas, and the intent to educate throughout current real issues. With this purpose this study selected two soap operas written by Manoel Carlos and produced by Brazilian Red Globo: Mujeres Apasionadas (2003) and Páginas de la Vida (2006). <![CDATA[<b>Uruguay and the region</b>: <b>in search of a new paradigm for insertion in a global world</b>]]> Soap operas are increasingly inserted in a concrete social reality. The representations constructed by soap operas are associated with daily life and social with the context in which they are immersed. This article discusses the narrow boundary between fiction and reality in soap operas, and the intent to educate throughout current real issues. With this purpose this study selected two soap operas written by Manoel Carlos and produced by Brazilian Red Globo: Mujeres Apasionadas (2003) and Páginas de la Vida (2006).