Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Topoi: Revista de História]]> vol. 3 num. SE lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>New perspectives on the French presence in Bahia in 1798</B>]]> The analysis of correspondence now avaiable on a Plan for the Invasion of Bahia, sent by naval captain Antoine-René Larcher to the Directorate of the French Republic in 1797, sheds new light on episodes of the so-called Bahian Conspiracy, as much with respect to the conspirators' social penetration as in regard to aspects of wideranging attempts to the expand the French Revolution previously unknown to historiography. <![CDATA[<B>A Juxta Jotum Naturare Society or incomplete corporatism?<A NAME="_ednref1"></A></B>]]> This work analyses in a comparative perspective, the differences between catholic corporativism and state corporative experiences that marked the world scenario throughout the period of the two world wars, particularly in Portugal, Spain, and Italy. To realize this investigation a specific area of interest is defined in an attempt not to allow that the catholic corporativism be misinterpreted as state corporativism, although both of them have a strong discipline appeal. The conservative side assumed this appeal during the emergency of the social problem as a matter of work. It is of paramount importance to understand how the catholic corporativism was displayed in Brazil and which were its connections and divergences with the catholic corporativism present in Europe at the same time. It is necessary yet, to understand the discoursive routes through which the Church built a totalitarian speech. <![CDATA[<B>Varnhagen in movement</B>: <B>a brief anthology of an existence</B>]]> The purpose of this article is to outline a life and work brief anthology of historian Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen (1816-1878), who lived mainly out of Brazil. I try to relate part of his extensive work to a distant look, as an effect of his continuous movement in search of files and documents on Brazil's history and geography which were found abroad. In addition, i intend to emphasize the relevance of journeys and in locu wiews as cognitive resources for writing history in a context characterized by the emergence of history as a science and its claim for narrative objectivity and for historians impartiality. <![CDATA[<B>The King of America</B>: <B>notes on the late acclamation of D. João VI in Brazil</B>]]> The article presents some analytical possibilities for the delayed decision to acclaim D. João VI in Brazil, though the King had assumed the title of monarch following the death of his mother, the Queen D. Maria I, on 20 March 1816. The decision to hold the acclamation and the grandiose form of the ceremony almost two years later have to be analyzed in light of the changed in the European context after the defeat of Napoleon, the restoration of monarchical forces through the treaties of the Congress of Vienna, and in Brazil by taking into account the new profiles of D. João's ministers in the final years of his stay in America.