Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Relaciones Internacionales ]]> vol. 1 num. SE lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Preferential relations between MERCOSUR and Korea</B>: <B>perspectives of an idea under construction</B>]]> The article aims at analyzing the scenario that is brought about by the states’ decision to begin the feasibility studies for the negotiation of a free trade agreement between the Republic of Korea and Mercosur. Some of the complementarities that may exist between both countries are analyzed and we propose an enrichment of the agenda by means of the inclusion of other topics that may generate trust and create a level of dialogue that will strengthen the relation in general. That is to say, the inclusion of political, social and cultural elements -similar experiences in the democratic construction and the legacy of military governments, to name a few- that may help create a net of links that will strengthen the dialogue giving it further sustainability in case differences in the negotiations regarding the free trade issue may arise. Then, the article points out that the existence of a sizeable community of Korean origin in the MERCOSUR countries should be better capitalized. Taking all these elements into consideration, the relation will be very fruitful and important, at least for the MERCOSUR countries, in the development of a different agenda for their foreign policy. <![CDATA[<B>Argentina, Brazil and the world in the face of the 20th century</B>]]> This paper analyses the international scene in the XX1st century by taking into account three major issues: first, the new world order; second, the relationship between technological advances and the humanist conception; third, the search for a solution for the increasing differences between affluent and marginal societies, and, within them, extremely rich and extremely poor sectors. In this context, the opportunities Argentinaand Brazilhave within Mercosur and the South American Community of Nations are also highlighted. <![CDATA[<B>Troop deployment and  foreign policy (1989-2005)</B>]]> Kirchner´s government’s decision to send troops to Haiti started a discussion in which arguments for and against this action hid a beeper debate: the one on the shape the present foreign policy should take. Such debate has made us wonder not only about what happened in this but other governments since 1999 which have sought to distance themselves from the Menemist agenda. Due to different factors, the pressures around troop deployment are connected to all kinds of matters such as strategic alliances with Brazil and the return to autonomist policies, as well as the ghost of "carnal relationships" and the intention to align with Washington. It is our aim to see in this kind of decision a sign of each foreign policy which helps us clarify their objectives, challenges, strengths and weaknesses.