Scielo RSS <![CDATA[Cuadernos del CLAEH]]> vol. 2 num. SE lang. en <![CDATA[SciELO Logo]]> <![CDATA[<B>Universal proposals of income distribution</B>: <B>a normative revision</B>]]> The idea of guarantying an unconditional and universal income to each member of the political community is rooted in Thomas Paine and Joseph Charlier writings some centuries ago. In recent years, the debate on this topic has been renewed. Among the recent initiatives, the mostly spread ones have been the Universal Basic Income mainly developed by Philippe Van Parijs and the capital grants proposal elaborated by Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott. These two redistributive proposals present many coincidences and differences, both in the normative and factual area. This article contains a strictly normative analysis of both proposals, mainly concentrated in their key objectives. These two initiatives have been mainly conceived as normative programs aiming to improve freedom, justice and equality between individuals. The purpose of this article is to develop some arguments to uncover the main problems and weaknesses that the two proposals show when trying to meet their goals. <![CDATA[<B>Emigration, social capital and welfare access in vulnerable environments</B>]]> The bulk of scholarship on emigration as a social and political process tends to focus on those who migrate and their situation in the host country. In contrast, only limited attention has been given to the study of those who remain in the home country. One of the distinctive features of this article is that it does not stress the classical migration issues or adopt the traditional focus on emigrants. On the contrary, and based on one of the most important emigratory waves in Uruguayan history (the one that took place in the first years of this new century), it seeks to explore emigration's effect on poor non-migrants' welfare. It argues that as a consequence of the erosion of social capital produced by the emigration of a household member, vulnerable households from Montevideo could be prone to welfare losses. This argument challenges the conventional wisdom about globalization's effects. In short, though non-migrants in developing countries receive emigrants' remittances, harmful effects are also possible. <![CDATA[<B>Poverty and public health</B>: <B>social aspects of the relation between user and personnel of health</B>]]> This article includes the results of a study on social inequalities in health area. In the Paediatric Hospital Pereira Rossell, a place was defined to analyze health sociological aspects in a context of social inequality. This place, to which we gave the name of corridor situation, included every relationship that users of this public health service had with different interlocutors in any of the different corridors, before their real access to the health service. The outcomes and empirical material provided by this study derived in the need of deepening the discussion on users-staff's relationship in corridor situation. Based on certain theoretic and empirical data, this article tries to discuss about the dynamic of relationship, the ways of communication and the handling of time that the Institution makes. This discuss will result in a final analysis on the existent relationship among these elements, the public character of the Institution and the weigh that bureaucratic processes in corridor situation have on those who have to use this service.