ISSN 1518-4471 print version



Scope and policy

1. Teoria & Sociedade - Revista de Ciências Sociais publishes original articles and book reviews in the field of social sciences. Works should have academic and social interest, and should be written in an intelligible way to the cultured reader. Technical and specialized aspecs_dados should be limited to the essential.

2. Publication of works depends on a reviewing procedure in which all manuscrips_dados are sent to members of the Journal’s Editorial Board for review. The procedure ensures authors’ and referees’ anonymity. Any needed modifications in the manuscrips_dados’ structure or contens_dados will be made in accordance with the authors. No additions or changes will be allowed after material has been printed.


Manuscript format

1. Two copies of a munuscript should be submitted. Double spacing must be used throughout the manuscript, which must be typed within reasonable margins. An abstract of 250 words should accompany the manuscript and should briefly state the aims and scope of the paper, methods and conclusions, as well as information about the authors (academic degree, position, fields of interest, recent publications etc.).

2. Manuscrips_dados should have approximately 30 typed pages.

3. Tables and figures should be presented on separate shees_dados, numbered consecutively and titled. They should indicate the unities chosen as standards to express worths and their sources. If possible, tables and figures will be presented in a form to allow direct and immediate reproduction.

4. Footnotes should be of essential character, and be restricted to addtional commens_dados to the text. References, when needed, should be cited in the text and include authors’ surname, year of publication and page numbers, if necessary, in parentheses: (Nicolau, 1993, p. 23). Bibliographical references should be arranged in alphabetical order at the end of the paper, and follow the next style forms:


a) authors’ surname in capital letters

b) authors’ first names

c) year of publication in parentheses

d) book title in italic

e) edition (if different of the first)

f) place of publication

g) publisher’s name.

Ex.: NICOLAU, Jairo Marconi. (1993), Sistema Eleitoral e Reforma Política. Rio de Janeiro, Foglio Ed.


a) authors’ surname in capital letters

b) authors’ first names

c) year of publication in parentheses

d) article title in quotation marks

e) journal title in italic

f) volume and issue number of the journal

g) page numbers.

Ex.: FAUCHER, Philippe. (1993), "Políticas de Ajuste ou Erosão do Estado no Brasil?". Dados, vol. 36, nº 3, pp. 393-418.

5. Once a paper is published, authors will receive 10 copies of the journal.

6. Manuscrips_dados and correspondence should be sent to the Editor at the address below.

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© 2009 Departamento de Sociologia e Antropologia
Departamento de Ciência Política
Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

Av. Antônio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha
31270-901 - Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil
Tel.: 55 31 3499-5032