ISSN 1414-3283 printed version
ISSN 1807-5726 online version




Scope and editorial policy

INTERFACE - Communication, Health, Education publishes original analytical articles or essays, critical reviews and notes on research (unpublished texts); it also edits debates and interviews, in addition to publishing the abstracts of dissertations and theses, notes on events and subjects of interest. The editors reserve themselves the right to make changes and/or cuts in the material submitted to the journal, in order to adjust it to its standards, maintaining the style and content.

All papers submitted to Interface have to follow the instructions described below.


Manuscripts' form and presentation


Dossier - essays or thematic analytical articles, by invitation of the editors, resulting from original study and research (up to seven thousand words).

Papers - analytical texts or reviews resulting from original theoretical or field research on themes that are of interest to the journal (up to seven thousand words).

Debates - a set of texts on current and/or polemic themes proposed by the editors or by collaborators and debated by specialists, who expound their points of view. The editors are responsible for editing the final texts (original text: up to six thousand words; debate texts: up to one thousand words; reply: up to one thousand words).

Open page - preliminary research notes, polemic and/or current issues texts, description of experiences, or relevant information aired in the electronic media (up to five thousand words).

Interviews - testimonies of people whose life stories or professional achievements are relevant to the journal’s scope (up to seven thousand words).

Books - publications released in Brazil or abroad, in the form of critical reviews, comments, or an organized collage of fragments of the book (up to three thousand words).

Theses - succinct description of master’s theses, doctoral dissertations and/or post-doctoral dissertations, containing  abstract (up to five hundred words), in Portuguese and English. Title and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish. Access address to the full text, if available in the internet, must be informed.

Creation - written reflections emphasizing iconographic, poetic, or literary language, thus allowing formal liberty.

Brief notes - comments on events, meetings and innovative research and projects (up to two thousand words).

Letters - comments on the journal and notes or opinions on subjects of interest to its readers (up to one thousand words).

Observation: in case of counting the text words, the title, the abstract and the keywords are excluded.


Submission of papers


Interface - Communication, Health, Education accepts material in Portuguese, Spanish and English for any of its sections. Only unpublished papers can be submitted for publication. Translations of texts published in another language will not be accepted.

The originals must be typed in Word or RTF, using Arial 12, respecting the maximum number of words defined per section of the Journal.

All originals submitted for publication must have an abstract and keywords relating to the topic (with the exception of Books, Creation, Brief notes and Letters).

NOTE: in the case of manuscripts that include illustrations (images, figures, drawings, tables or graphs), a copy of the manuscript in PDF format with the illustrations inserted should also be provided.

The cover page must contain the paper’s title (in Portuguese, Spanish and English) and the authors’ personal information in the following order:

Major author: institution to which he/she is affiliated – Department, Unit, University (only one, written in full). Complete address for correspondence, phone number, e-mail.

Co-authors: institution to which each one is affiliated – Department, Unit, University (only one, written in full). E-mail.

Observation: in case of having no institutional affiliation, the professional activity must be informed. Authors’ scientific degree is not required.

The names of the authors immediately below the title of the text are limited to eight. In case there are more, they must appear in a footnote.

Also in a footnote, the authors need to indicate whether the text is unpublished, whether it was the result of a grant, whether it results from a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, whether there are any conflicts of interest involved and, in case of research with humans, whether it was approved by an Ethics Committee in its field, specifying the process number and the institucion.

In articles with two authors or more, the individual contributions to the preparation of the text must be specified, before the references, according to one of the models:


Model 1: “The authors worked together in all the steps of the paper’s production.”

Model 2: Author X was in charge of…..; Author Y was in charge of…; Author Z was in charge of…., etc.

The first page of the text must contain (in Portuguese, Spanish and English): the article’s full title, the abstract (up to 150 words) and up to five keywords.

Observation: In case of counting the abstract’s words, the title and the keywords are excluded.

Footnotes - numbered, short and to be used only if necessary.


Quotations included in the text must follow the format Author (capital letter only in the first letter of de author’s surname - even when it is in parentheses), date, page. Ex.: ”... e criar as condições para a construção de conhecimentos de forma colaborativa (Kenski, 2001, p.31).

Specific cases:

a Literal quotations of up to three lines: enclosed by quotation marks, with no italics (Author, date, p.xx with no space between the dot and the number). Full stop after the parentheses.

b Literal quotations of more than three lines: in a paragraph detached from the text (one enter before the quotation and another after it), with a 4 cm indent from the left margin, simple space, in a smaller font than the one used in the text, without quotation marks, without italics, ending in the text’s right margin. Right after, in parentheses: (Author’s surname, date, page).

Observation: in quotations, the parentheses are used only to indicate authorship. To indicate quotation fragment, use square brackets: […] encontramos algumas falhas no sistema […] quando relemos o manuscrito mas nada podia ser feito […]. (Fulano, Sicrano, 2008, p.56).

c Many authors cited in sequence: from the most recent to the oldest, separated by semi-colon: (Pedra, 1997; Torres, 1995; Saviani, 1994).

d Texts with two authors: Almeida and Binder, 2004 (in the text body); Almeida, Binder, 2004 (in the parentheses).

e Texts with three authors: Levanthal, Singer and Jones (in the text body); Levanthal, Singer, Jones (in the parentheses).

f Texts with more than three authors: Guérin et al., 2004 (in or out of the parentheses).

g Documents by the same author published in the same year: add small letters, in alphabetical order, after the date, without space (Campos, 1987a, 1987b).


All authors quoted in the text must be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order and in compliance with adjusted ABNT standards (NBR 6023/2002), as showed in the following examples:

Books: FREIRE, P. Pedagogia da indignação: cartas pedagógicas e outros escritos. São Paulo: Ed. Unesp, 2000.

*Only the title should be highlighted in boldface; do not highlilight the subtitle.

** Do not indicate the numbers of pages.

*** Two or more references of the same author (they maybe a book and an article): if they are on the same page,indicate with a dash from the second article/book onwards (six continuous underscores). If they are not on the same page, the author’s name must be repeated. If it is the same author, but with collaborators, do not use the dash. Ex.: Freire, P. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. 27.ed. Rio de Janeiro: Paz e Terra, 2003. (Coleção Leitura).

______. Extensão ou comunicação? 10.ed. Rio de Janeiro:

Paz e Terra, 1997.

**** Two or three authors must be separated by semi-colons; more than three authors: the first author must be indicated, followed by the expression et al. Ex.: CUNHA, M.I.; LEITE, D.B.C. Decisões pedagógicas e estruturas de poder na Universidade. Campinas: Papirus, 1996. (Magistério: Formação e Trabalho Pedagógico).

FREIRE, M. et al. (Orgs.). Avaliação e planejamento: a prática educativa em questão. Instrumentos metodológicos II. São Paulo: Espaço Pedagógico, 1997. (Seminários)

Book chapters: QUÉAU, P. O tempo do virtual. In: PARENTE, A. (Org.). Imagem máquina: a era das tecnologias do virtual. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. 34, 1996. p.91-9.

*Only the title of the book should be highlighted in boldface.

** The initial and final pages of the chapter must be indicated at the end of the reference.

 Specific rules:

1 The book’s author is the same as the chapter’s author: HARTZ, Z.M.A. Explorando novos caminhos na pesquisa avaliativa das ações de saúde. In: ______ (Org.) Avaliação em saúde: dos modelos conceituais à prática na análise da implantação dos programas. Rio de Janeiro: Fiocruz, 1997, p.19-28.

2 The book’s author is different from the chapter’s author:

VALLA, V.V.; GUIMARÃES, M.B.; LACERDA, A. Religiosidade, apoio social e cuidado integral à saúde: uma proposta de investigação voltada para as classes populares. In: PINHEIRO, R.; MATTOS, R.A. (Orgs.) Cuidado: as fronteiras da integralidade. Rio de Janeiro: Hucitec/Abrasco, 2004. p.103-18.

3 The author is an entity: BRASIL. Ministério da Educação e do Desporto. Secretaria de Educação Fundamental. Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: meio ambiente e saúde. 3.ed. Brasília: SEF, 2001.

4 Series and collections: MIGLIORI, R. Paradigmas e educação. São Paulo: Aquariana, 1993. 20p. (Visão do Futuro, v.1).

Articles from journals: TEIXEIRA, R.R. Modelos comunicacionais e práticas de saúde. Interface - Comunic., Saude, Educ., v.1, n.1, p.7-40, 1997.

*Only the title of the journal should be highlighted in boldface.

**The pages on which the article was published must be indicated after the volume and number.

ThesEs and disSertations: IYDA, M. Mudanças nas relações de produção e migração: o caso de Botucatu e São Manuel. 1979. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. 1979.

Articles from events procedings: PAIM, J.S. O SUS no ensino médico: retórica ou realidade. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE EDUCAÇÃO MÉDICA, 33., 1995, São Paulo. Anais... São Paulo, 1995. p.5.

*Only the word Anais should be highlighted in boldface.

** When the work is consulted online, the electronic address must be mentioned: Available from:<...>. Access on (day, month, year).

*** When the work is consulted in printed material, the initial and final pages must be mentioned.

Electronic documents: WAGNER, C.D.; PERSON, P.B. Chaos in cardiovascular system: an update. Cardiovasc. Res., v.40, p.257-64, 1998. Available from: <>. Access on: Jun 20. 1999.

*Only the title of the journal should be highlighted in boldface.

** The authors must verify if the electronic addresses (URL) cited in the text are still active.

Observation: if the reference includes the DOI, it must be maintained. Only in this case (when the quotation is extracted from SciELO, the DOI is always mentioned; in other cases, not always).

Illustrations: Images, figures and drawings must be created as TIFF or JPEG files. Minimum resolution: 200 dpi. Maximum size: 16 x 20 cm, in shades of gray, with captions and font Arial 9. Tables and tower graphs can be created as Word files. Other kinds of graphs must be created in image programs (corel draw or photoshop).  All illustrations must be in separate files and will be inserted in the system as supplementary documents, with their respective captions and numbering. In the text there must be an indication of the place where each one of them should be inserted.

NOTE: As a further supplementary document, a copy of the manuscript in PDF format should be entered into the system with all the included illustrations properly located in the body of the text.

Submissions must be made online at:


Every text will be submitted to a preliminary evaluation by the Editorial Board. If the text is approved, it will be reviewed by peers (two reviewers at least). It will be returned to the author(s) if the reviewers suggest changes and/or corrections. In case the reviewers have divergent opinions, the paper will be submitted to a third reviewer for arbitration. The final decision about the merit of the work is the responsibility of the Editorial Board (publishers and associated publishers).

Publication of the article implies that the copyrights are fully transferred to Interface - Communication, Health, Education.The partial or entire reproduction of the published texts is prohibited without prior authorization from the publishers.

The texts are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of the publishers or of the journal’s Editorial Board.


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