1 - Horizontes Antropológicos publishes unedited
works in the form of articles, book reviews and other material such as
announcements and interviews in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or English.
2 - The articles should be presented in double-spaced format, not exceeding
ten thousand words including references and notes.
2.1 - The articles should include a single-spaced abstract (including
title) of up to 150 words, and four keywords, in both the language of
the article and English.
3 - Book reviews should be on recently published material, written in
double-spaced format, containing up to 1.300 words. They should include
full information on the book in question, specifying: author(s), title
and subtitle, place of publication, publisher, year of publication and
number of pages.
3.1 Direct or indirect quotes from the book should be completed with the
relevant page number only. Citations from other works should conform to
recommendations in 4.1.
4 - In the articles and book reviews, explanatory notes should come at
the bottom of the page while bibliographical references should be listed
at the end of the text, in alphabetical order.
4.1 - In the main text, references following direct citations should include
author(s), year of publication, and page number. In indirect citations,
the page number is optional. For example:
According to Hassen (2002, p. 173): "Há uma grande carência
de materiais didáticos nesse campo, principalmente se aliados à
We know that there is "[
] uma grande carência de materiais
didáticos nesse campo [
]" (Hassen, 2002, p. 173).
We know that there is a great lack of didactic material in this field
(Hassen, 2002).
We know that there is a great lack of didactic material in this field,
according to Hassen (2002).
Sabemos da grande carência de materiais didáticos nesse campo,
segundo Hassen (2002, p. 173).
4.2 - Direct citations with over three lines of text should be presented
in single-spaced indented text, in smaller letter format, and without
quotation marks. Transcription of informants´ discourse should follow
this same pattern, as in the following example:
] regras de comportamento explícitos às quais
os indivíduos se referem conscientemente, e que se fundam sobre
justificações ou princípios filosóficos, ideológicos
ou políticos, ou sobre o surgimento de novas aspirações
individuais ou coletivas. (Bozon, 1995, p. 124).
4.3 - References at the end of the text should conform to the following
4.3.1 - Book (guides, catalogues, dictionaries, etc.): author(s), title
(in italics and separated by colon from the sub-title), edition number,
place of publication, publishing house, year of publication.
DUMONT, Louis. Homo hierarchichus: o sistema de castas e suas implicações.
São Paulo: EDUSP, 1992.
FORTES, Meyer; EVANS-PRITCHARD, E. E. (Org.). African political systems.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1966.
MINISTÉRIO DE SALUD. Unidade Coordinadora Ejecutora VIH/SIDA y
ETS. Boletín de SIDA: programa nacional de lucha contra los retrovirus
del humano y SIDA. Buenos Aires, mayo 2001.
4.3.2 - Part of a book (fragment, article, chapter in a collective volume):
author(s), title of the part, followed by the expression "In", author(s)
of the book, title (in italics and separated by a colon from the subtitle),
edition number, place of publication, publishing house, year of publication,
page(s) of reference. For example,
VELHO, Otávio. Globalização: antropologia e religião.
In: ORO, Ari Pedro; STEIL, Carlos Alberto (Org.). Globalização
e religião. Petrópolis: Vozes, 1997. p. 25-42.
4.3.3 - Article or item from periodical (journal, bulletin, etc.): author(s)
of the article, title of the article, name of the periodical (in italics),
place of publication, year and/or volume, number, first and last pages,
CORREA, Mariza. O espartilho de minha avó: linhagens femininas
na antropologia. Horizontes Antropológicos, Porto Alegre,
ano 3, n. 7, p. 70-96, out. 1997.
4.3.4 - Article or item from newspaper: author(s) of the article, title
of the article, name of the newspaper (in italics), place of publication,
date, section or fascicule, page (if a specific section is not mentioned,
the page number should precede the date).
TOURAINE, Alain. O recuo do islamismo político. Folha de São
Paulo, São Paulo, 23 set. 2001. Mais!, p. 13.
SOB as bombas. Folha de São Paulo, São Paulo, p. 2, 22 mar.
4.3.5 - Academic works: complete reference followed by the sort of document,
the academic level, the institutional affiliation, the place and date
of defense according to the certificate of approval (when relevant):
GIACOMAZZI, M. C. G. O cotidiano da Vila Jardim: um estudo de trajetórias,
narrativas biográficas e sociabilidade sob o prisma do medo na
cidade. 1997. Tese (Doutorado em Antropologia Social)-PPGAS/UFRGS, Porto
Alegre, 1997.
4.3.6 - A complete event: name of the event, numeration (when relevant),
year and place (city) of the event, title of the document (annales, acts,
summaries, etc., in italics), place of publication, publishing house and
date of publication.
21., 1998, Vitória. Resumos
Vitória: Departamento
de Ciências Sociais/UFES, 1998.
4.3.7 - Work presented in an event: author(s), title of the work presented,
followed by the expression "In", name of event, numeration (when relevant),
year and place (city) of the event, title of the document (annals, acts,
summaries, etc., in italics), place of publication, publishing house,
year of publication, pages of reference:
STOCKLE, Verena. Brasil: uma nação através das imagens
DE ANTROPOLOGIA, 21., 1998, Vitória. Resumos
Departamento de Ciências Sociais/UFES, 1998. p. 33.
4.3.8 - Document in electronic media: add to the reference a physical
description of the supporting medium ( (CD-ROM, diskette, etc.); for documents
consulted online, indicate the address and the date of access (day, month,
and year):
Cruzando fronteras en América Latina. Amsterdam: CEDLA: Radio Nederland
Wereldomroep. 1 CD-ROM.
STEIL, Carlos Alberto. Peregrinação e turismo religioso:
tendências e paradigmas de interpretação. Newsletter
de la Asociación de Cientistas Sociales de la Religión en
el Mercosur, Buenos Aires, n. 13, p. 1-5, jul. 2002. Disponível
em: <http://www.naya.com.ar>.
Acesso em: 27 mar. 2003.
4.4 - In the texts, avoid uso of more than one font; use initial capital
letter only when absolutely necessary; tipographic styles should be consistent:
a) italics: for words in foreign languages, titles (of books, events),
and emhasis;
b) double quotes: for direct citations of fewer than three lines, citation
of words whose connotation or use merits special attention;
c) bold type and underlining should be avoided.
5 - The authors of articles and book reviews should be identified, with
mention of institutional affiliation, complete address and e-mail contact.
6 - Articles and book reviews should be sent in three printed copies and
diskette, in Rich Text (.rtf) format or Word (.doc), compatible with Windows.
7 - Pictures (including figures and graphs) that are part of the article
should be sent separately, numbered in the sequence in which they appear,
in TIFF format (uncondensed) and 300 dpi resolution in the final size
intended for print. Maximum width: 12 cm; maximum height: 16 cm (or 1417
x 1890 pixels).
8 - Publication of the articles will be subject to approval by the Executive
Editorial Commission, taking into account the evaluation by external reviewers.
9 - Authors of articles and book reviews will receive two copies of the
journal in which their work has been published.
10 - To facilitate collaboration, Horizontes Antropológicos
will announce on its back cover the themes of the three forthcoming issues,
accompanied by the name(s) of the respective coordinator(s). It will also
consider the possibility of contemplating the organization of other issues
centered on themes proposed by possible collaborators.