ISSN 1413-0580 printed version



Form and preparation of manuscripts

Norms for the presentation of texts

1. Texts in the form of an article, a review or research communications are accepted.

2. The Editorial Board has the final decision on the publication of texts.

3. The originals should not have been published in another Journal.

4. All authorship rights on published material are retained by the Journal.

5. The originals will be presented to two reviewers who will evaluate appropriateness for publication.

6. The correctness of grammar and style are the responsibility of the authors.

7. The Editorial Board reserves the right to introduce modifications where this is considered appropriate and to refuse originals which do not meet the requirements of editorial policy or grammatical accuracy.

8. The work should be presented in the form of two printed copies on A4 paper and one electronic copy.

9. All work presented should include a title, author's name, complete address and contact telephone, together with brief academic or professional references.

10. A abstract in portuguese must be included (100 words maximum) with three key words, together with an abstract in english (100 words maximum) and three key words.

11. The articles should have around 25 pages, research communications 5 pages and reviews 4 pages.

12. Each numbered page should have 28 lines typed in double space.

13. Footnotes should be kept to a minimum.

14. Bibliographical references should follow the NBR 6023 norms of the ABNT.


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